Monatsprogramm /...Jahresbericht
Zentrum für Jüdische Kultur
in Kazimierz - Krakau

in Kazimierz, Cracow


Between January 1st, 2004 and December 31st, 2004, 218 program events took place at the Center for Jewish Culture in Cracow. Among them were:

  • 78 lectures and book presentations,
  • 5 conferences,
  • 46 film showings,
  • 22 exhibitions,
  • 30 concerts and
  • 37 other program-related events.

The Center was visited by

  • 94 personalities from international and Polish cultural, social and political life,
  • 104 foreign groups and
  • 35 Polish groups of visitors.

In the year 2004 approximately 25 000 people visitied the Center and participated in its programs.

On March 14th, as every year on the occasion of the liberation of the Cracow ghetto, the Judaica Foundation – Center for Jewish Culture, Jewish Culture Festival Society, the Polish-Israeli Friendship Society in Cracow, the Cracow Dialogue Club and the Pod Orlem Pharmacy Memorial Museum, organized the MARCH OF REMEMBRANCE. In 2004 the honorary patrons of the March included Jerzy Adamik, Governor of Malopolska Province; Jacek Majchrowski, Mayor of the City of Cracow; and Tadeusz Jakubowicz, President of the Jewish Community in Cracow).

In July 2004 the Judaica Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture organized the Summer Program POLIN 2004. An Ecumenical Study Visit of British Christians to Jewish Sites in Europe for members of different churches from Great Britain.

During the 9th edition of the BAYIT HADASH Encounters with Jewish Culture program, dedicated to Rafael F. Scharf, late co-founder of the Judaica Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture, in the main hall of the Center the Rafael F. Scharf memorial plaque was unveiled.
On this occasion the Gazeta Wyborcza daily in Cracow issued a special supplement to its November 18th edition.

For the first time this year, the Judaica Foundation conferred the FELEK AWARD - Rafael F. Scharf in memoriam for those who have made a special contribution to the revival of Jewish life in Poland and to building bridges between Poles and Jews. This year, the first Felek Award was given to Janusz Makuch and Krzysztof Gierat - founders of the Jewish Culture Festival in Cracow.


  1. It Began with a Dividing Line in 1966 - meeting with Waclaw and Leslaw JANICKI,
    the twins from Tadeusz Kantor’s theatre.
  2. Presentation of the design for the Ghetto Heroes’ Plaza in Podgórze, with Prof. Andrzej WYZYKOWSKI, Chief Architect of Cracow and chairman of the design competition jury, and also representatives of the design studios that took part in the competition.
  3. Piotrków Trybunalski - Auschwitz - London - Melbourne - meeting with Ben HELFGOT (Great Britain).
  4. Stalwart in the Face of Persecution. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Nazism - lecture by Teresa WATOR-CICHY, author of the book Imprisoned for Faith. The Jehovah’s Witnesses in KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, and meeting with Bernard CZOCHRA, Krzysztof LEWOWSKI and Remigiusz KRECZMER - members of the Watchtower Society
  5. Meeting with Prof. Maria ORWID, psychiatrist, moderated by Prof. Stanislaw OBIREK SJ. (THEOLOGY AND THE HOLOCAUST)
  6. The Word - A Witness. A Dictionary of the Language of KL Auschwitz Prisoners - meeting with Jochen AUGUST, Monika BARWINSKA, Jan MASLOWSKI and Malgorzata WILK. (59th ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF KL AUSCHWITZ)
  7. The Auschwitz-Birkenau Zone - meeting with Marek RAWECKI, author of a book published under the same title.
  8. What the Civic Committee for the Renovation of Cracow’s Monuments Has Done for Kazimierz - meeting with Committee members Prof. Andrzej KURZ and Dr. Boguslaw KRASNOWOLSKI, moderated by Joachim S. RUSSEK. (FORUM KAZIMIERZ)
  9. Europe After the Brussels Conference - meeting with Bogdan KLICH, Member of the Polish Parliament (POLAND’S INTEGRATION WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION)
  10. The Dreyfus Affair - lecture by Prof. Wieslaw SLADKOWSKI of the Modern History Department of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.
  11. Dialogue at the Threshold to Auschwitz - meeting with Rev. Dr. Manfred DESELAERS of the Center for Prayer, Meetings and Dialogue in Oswiecim, moderated by Prof. Stanislaw OBIREK SJ. (THEOLOGY AND THE HOLOCAUST)
  12. The Jewish Religious Community Council of Poland, Headquartered in Warsaw - meeting with Boleslaw SZENICER, President of the Community Council.
  13. Jews in Occupied Cracow - lecture by Prof. Andrzej CHWALBA of the History Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. (ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF THE CRACOW GHETTO)
  14. A Murdered World - meeting with Katarzyna ZIMMERER, journalist, author of a book about the Cracow ghetto.
  15. Occupied Cracow in Photographs - meeting with Prof. Aleksander SKOTNICKI, Wladyslaw KLIMCZAK, Chairman of the Cracow Photographic Society, and Aleksandra KURCZAB-POMIANOWSKA with the participation of Tadeusz MALAK
  16. The Jewish Community in Podgórze in 1891-1936 - lecture by Barbara ZBROJA, art historian. (ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF THE CRACOW GHETTO)
  17. The Challenge of Polish-Jewish Dialogue - meeting with Stefan WILKANOWICZ of the Forum for Christian- Jewish Dialogue, moderated by Joachim S. RUSSEK.
  18. Janina Garycka of the Rams’ Cellar Cabaret Speaks of March ’68 and Other Things - presentation of a radio interview with Radio Cracow journalist Jolanta DRUZYNSKA, with the participation of Prof. Michal ROZEK. (MARCH ’68 EVENTS IN POLAND)
  19. Where is God in the Middle East? - meeting with Dr. Beata KOWALSKA of the Jagiellonian University.
  20. Father Stanislaw Musial SJ, in memoriam - an evening commemorating Father Musial SJ, late member of the Judaica Foundation Board, with the participation of Rev. Adam BONIECKI, Editor-in-Chief of Tygodnik Powszechny weekly, Józefa HENNELOWA and Krzysztof KOZLOWSKI, organized jointly with Tygodnik Powszechny weekly.
  21. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - 61 Years Later - meeting with Prof. Barbara ENGELKING. (61st ANNIVERSARY OF THE WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING)
  22. The Inability to Speak - meeting with Rabbi Sacha Pecaric of the Ronald Lauder Foundation in Cracow, moderated by Prof. Stanislaw OBIREK SJ.
  23. Meeting with Wlodzimierz KAC, President of the Jewish Religious Community in Katowice. (JEWISH COMMUNITIES IN POLAND)
  24. Abraham J. Heschel and Interreligious Dialogue - meeting with Prof. Harold KASIMOW of Grinnel College (U.S.A.), moderated by Prof. Stanislaw OBIREK SJ (in English). (THEOLOGY AND THE HOLOCAUST)
  25. Poland in Europe - Civil Society as a Challenge and a Task - meeting with Prof. Marek SIEMEK of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  26. 26) Meeting with Marek OSTROWSKI, journalist of Polityka weekly
  27. Ignacy Domeyko and His Two Homelands - meeting with Prof. Zdzislaw Jan Ryn, former Polish Ambassador to Chile. (DEMOCRACY AND TOLERANCE)
  28. Polish Ambivalence About Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries - meeting with Prof. Marcin KRÓL of the Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
  29. History of the Jews in Slovakia - lecture by Prof. Pavel ME©TAN, Director of the Jewish Culture Museum in Bratyslava and Katarina WIECHA of the Jewish Culture Museum in Bratyslava. (JEWS IN SLOVAKIA)
  30. Night Life in Kazimierz - Bright Spots and Shadows, panel discussion with Malgorzata WALCZAK, member of the Friends of Royal Kazimierz Society, Wojciech KOZDRONKIEWICZ, Chairman of the Kazimierz Council, Dr. Boguslaw KRASNOWOLSKI, urban planner and architect, and citizens of Kazimierz, moderated by Joachim S. RUSSEK. (FORUM KAZIMIERZ)
  31. My Experience with Tolerance in Poland - meeting with Brian SCOTT, radio and television journalist and teacher. (DEMOCRACY AND TOLERANCE)
  32. Battlefields of Memory: Landscape and Identity in Polish-Jewish Relations - lecture by Dr. Slawomir KAPRALSKI, Centre for Social Studies in Warsaw
  33. Imaging Faith in Modern Britain. R. S. Thomas - Welsh Poet-Priest - lecture by the Most Reverend Dr. Barry MORGAN, Archbishop of Wales - open lecture as part of the POLIN 2004 Summer Program - An ecumenical study visit of British Christians to Jewish sites in Poland (lecture in English).
  34. Between Cracow and Tel-Aviv - meeting with Miriam AKAVIA, Israeli writer
  35. Hassidic Singing - workshop with cantor Benzion MILLER
  36. Hassidic Singing - workshop with cantor Benzion MILLER - second meeting
  37. Hassidic Singing - workshop with cantor Benzion MILLER - third meeting
  38. Basic Judaism. Two civilizations: Ashkenazim and Sephardim - lecture by Benzion MILLER (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
  39. Meeting with Oren RUDAWSKI and Menachem DAUM, authors of the documentary film Hiding and Seeking (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
  40. Meeting with Aviva SLESIN, author of the documentary film Hidden Children
  41. The Jews in Cracow, a 700-Year Presence - lecture by Prof. Michal ROZEK.
  42. Professor Jan Karski - lecture by Dr. Kaja PLOSS (Washington, D.C.).
  43. Meeting with Miroslaw CHOJECKI, Director of the Warsaw International Jewish Film Festival (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  44. Jews and the Recovery of Poland's Independence - lecture by Prof. Szymon RUDNICKI. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  45. Czeslaw Milosz in memoriam - meeting with Katarzyna JANOWSKA and Piotr MUCHARSKI, authors of the last TV interview with Czeslaw Milosz
  46. Israel - State of Jews or State of Israelis? - lecture by Konstanty GEBERT.
  47. The Shadow of the Holocaust on the Jagiellonian University - lecture by Professor Stanislaw WALTOS. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  48. Jacek Kuron - meeting devoted to his memory, with Rev. Adam BONIECKI, Halina BORTNOWSKA, Ewa KURYLUK and Andrzej ROSNER, and presentation of the book A Republic for My Grandchildren (in Polish) by Jacek Kuron.
  49. Polish Maccabees - lecture by Professor Maria JANION.
  50. Józef Dietl - Physician, Rector of the Jagiellonian University, Mayor of Cracow - lecture by Professor Aleksander SKOTNICKI, organized jointly with the Cracow Medical Society. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  51. Irony in the Shadow of the Holocaust. Jadwiga Maurer's Writings -
    lecture by Professor Stanislaw STABRO, Jagiellonian University.
  52. Goldi: About My Parents - meeting with Ewa KURYLUK (Paris)
  53. Father Stanislaw Musial SJ - a Kaddish and a Basket of Crumbs - meeting dedicated to the memory of Father Stanislaw Musial SJ, late member of the Judaica Foundation Board
  54. Against Contempt - lecture by Prof. Henryk MARKIEWICZ, as part of the ALEKSANDER AND ALICJA HERTZ ANNUAL MEMORIAL LECTURE series
  55. Poles and Lithuanians - Friends or Enemies? - lecture by Prof. Krzysztof TARKA of Opole University
  56. Lithuanians in Poland - from the Interwar Period until Now - lecture by Dr. Bronius MAKAUSKAS, Deputy President of the Lithuanian Community in Poland
  57. Lithuanians in Poland - Nowadays - lecture by Irena GASPEROWICZ, President of the Lithuanian Community in Punsk, and Dalia UZDILA of the Lithuanian House in Sejny
  58. East of the West. How to Be with Russia - meeting with Prof. Jerzy POMIANOWSKI an author of the book under the same title. (DEMOCRACY AND TOLERANCE)
  59. 700 years of the Jewish Community in Cracow - lecture by Prof. Jan Maria MALECKI on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the Jewish presence in Cracow; lecture organized jointly with the Cracow Jewish Community.
  60. Chechens - Victims or Terrorists? - meeting with Krystyna KURCZAB-REDLICH, journalist, author of a documentary film about Chechnya.


  1. The Lucky One (in Polish) by Magdalena GRODZKA-GUZKOWSKA, and meeting with the author, moderated by Dr. Zofia RADZIKOWSKA, organized jointly with the Austeria Publishing House in Cracow.
  2. The Polish Wallenberg. About Henryk Slawik (in Polish) by Grzegorz LUBCZYK and meeting with the author, organized jointly with the Hungarian Cultural Center in Warsaw
  3. Cinema Encyclopedia (in Polish) - meeting with its editor, Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI
  4. Book of Books. The Midrash (in Polish) by Pawel SPIEWAK, and meeting with the author, moderated by Agnieszka SABOR, organized jointly with the ZNAK Publishing House.
  5. Jan Karski - meeting with Stanislaw M. JANKOWSKI, author of a book about Jan Karski, and film presentation: My Mission. Organized on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Jan Karski’s birth.
  6. Murdered World (in Polish) by Katarzyna ZIMMERER, and meeting with the author, organized jointly with Wydawnictwo Literackie publishing house in Cracow.
  7. Slownik schulzowski - meeting with Prof. Jerzy JARZEBSKI, co-author of a dictionary of terms related to Bruno Schulz..
  8. The Book of Questions (in Polish) by Edmond JABES - presentation of Volume I of the Polish translation, with Prof. Adam WODNICKI, translator and authority on the works of Jabes, and with Agnieszka SABOR, editor of the book; organized jointly with the AUSTERIA Publishing House.
  9. Gangrene (in Polish) by Erwin SCHENKELBACH (Israel), and meeting with the author, moderated by Krzysztof MIKLASZEWSKI, organized jointly with Hamartef Publishing House
  10. Stanislaw Jerzy Lec - Pole, Jew, European - lecture by Professor Karl DEDECIUS, and presentation of the book of the same title (in English and Polish), published by the Judaica Foundation in the ALEKSANDER AND ALICJA HERTZ ANNUAL MEMORIAL LECTURE series. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  11. ...As Thyself. The German Churches and the "Jewish Question" - lecture by Prof. Anna WOLFF-POWESKA, Western Institute, Poznan, and presentation of the book of the same title. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  12. Their Town (in Polish) by Anis D. PORDES, and meeting with the author, moderated by Irek GRIN. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  13. How Poles and Jews Lived Under One Roof - lecture by Professor Marcin KULA, and presentation of his book Stubborn Question. Jewish? Polish? Human? (in Polish) published by the UNIVERSITAS Publishing House. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  14. Don’t be Afraid of Gypsies - meeting with Adam BARTOSZ, Director of the Regional Musuem in Tarnów, author of the book (in Polish) under the same title.
  15. A Journey to the Sources of Memory - meeting with Uri HUPPERT (Israel) and presentation of the book (in Polish) under the same title.
  16. Eichmann in My Hands - meeting with Peter Z. MALKIN and presentation of the Polish edition of his book (in Polish), organized jointly with EMKA Studio Publishing House
  17. According to Her - presentation of the book by Maciej NAWARIAK, and meeting with the author.
  18. Beyond the Limits of Thought - Everything - presentation of the book by Stanislaw Mateusz Gasiorowski, organized jointly with Lexis Publishing House and Maria ROSTWOROWSKA.


  1. Mel Gibson's "Passion" - panel discussion with panelists Jan NOWICKI, Prof. Stanislaw OBIREK SJ, Michal SOBELMAN and Prof. Jan WOLENSKI
  2. The New Jewish Cemetery in Cracow, 1804-2004 - seminar organized jointly with the Commission on the History and Culture of Polish Jews of the Polish Academy Sciences and Arts and the Chair of Judaic Studies of the Jagiellonian University. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  3. Conference for young French journalists on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the liberation of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  4. Seminar for volunteers from Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland organized by Verein fur Dienste im Ausland,Vienna.
  5. Conference of the European Council of the Jewish Community.


  2. Every Rose Has Flames by Stanislaw Bareja (THE NATIONAL CHARITY CAMPAIGN ORCHESTRA)
  4. This Phone Monitored by Sylwester Checinski (THE NATIONAL CHARITY CAMPAIGN ORCHESTRA)
  6. The City Was in His Heart. Zbigniew Herbert's Lwów - documentary film by Jerzy Morawski
  7. It's Gonna Be Better - film with the Lwów comedians Szczepcio and Toncio, introduction by Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI of the Jagiellonian University Film Institute.
  8. Jazzman from the Gulag - documentary about jazz musician Eddie Rosner by P. H. Salfati
  9. George Gershwin - American Composer - BBC Documentary
  10. The What and the Why of Kazimierz Karabasz - documentary by Nikola Lorencin
  11. Franek W.'s Year - documentary by Kazimierz Karabasz
  12. The Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein
  13. The Way of Youth by Aleksander Ford
  14. The Olympic Games by Leni RIEFENSTAHL
  15. Ram's Cellar Cabaret by Antoni KRAUZE (parts I and II)
  16. Ram's Cellar Cabaret by Antoni KRAUZE (parts III and IV)
  17. Schindler's List by Steven Spielberg
  18. My Father, Henryk Splawik - documentary by M. Maldis, G. Lupczyk and J. Zub.
  19. March Almonds by Radoslaw PIWOWARSKI
  20. The Eyes of the Holocaust - documentary by Janos SZASZ (HUNGARIAN WEEK OF JEWISH CULTURE)
  21. Porrajamos - documentary by Agot VARGA (HUNGARIAN WEEK OF JEWISH CULTURE)
  22. Donau Exodus - documentary by Peter FORGACS (HUNGARIAN WEEK OF JEWISH CULTURE)
  23. To Speak the Unspeakable - documentary by Judit ELEK (HUNGARIAN WEEK OF JEWISH CULTURE)
  24. I am Jewish in Hungary, I am Hungarian in Israel - documentary by Diana GROÓ (HUNGARIAN WEEK OF JEWISH CULTURE)
  25. Rabbi Chatam Sofer - documentary by Ivan Hnúąt (JEWS IN SLOVAKIA)
  26. Belief and the Holocaust - Testimony of Rabbi Israel Lau - documentary by Ivan Hnúąt (JEWS IN SLOVAKIA)
  27. Hiding and Seeking - documentary by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudawski (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  28. Hidden Children - documentary by Aviva Slesin (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  29. The Work - documentary by Bernard Offen (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  30. My Hometown Concentration Camp - documentary by Bernard Offen (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  31. Proces B7815 - documentary by Bernard Offen (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  32. Engraved on Film - showing of documentary films about Rafael F. SCHARF. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  33. Showing of prizewinning films from the 2004 Warsaw International Jewish Film Festival (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  34. In the Pupil of the Eye - documentary about Ewa Kuryluk by Andrzej Titkow. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  35. Songs of the Unknown Land - documentaries presenting life of Lithuanians in Poland (KALEIDOSCOPE OF CULTURES: LITHUANIANS IN POLAND)
  36. Dieses Jahr in Czernowitz (This Year in Chernovitz) - documentary by Volker Koepp, introduced by Professor Tadeusz LUBELSKI. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  38. In the Likeness of Jacek. Sketch for a Portrait of Jacek Kuron - documentary by Andrzej Titkow. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  39. The Dance of His Life (Er tanzte das Leben) - documentary by Marian CZURA (Hamburg) (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  40. Vilnius - Milosz's Home Town - documentary by Andrzej Milosz (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  41. Conversations at the Beginning of the Century: Czeslaw Milosz - presentation of the last TV interview with Czeslaw Milosz (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  43. Loved and Hated. The Drama of the Life and Death of the Polish Film Director Aleksander Ford - documentary by Stanislaw Janicki, introduced by Professor Tadeusz LUBELSKI. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  44. The Dance of His Life (Er tanzte das Leben) - documentary by Marian CZURA, presented at the request of the audience
  45. Reading Sienkiewicz in the Negev Desert - showing of a documentary about Alex Danzig during the Days of Dialogue in Tomaszów Lubelski.
  46. Kibbutz Nir-Oz - showing of a documentary about Alex Danzig during the Days of Dialogue in Tomaszów Lubelski.


  1. Traces of History in Oswiecim - exhibition of art by deaf and hearing-impaired people from Giessen (Germany) and Warsaw, co-organized with the International Youth Meeting Center in Oswiecim.
  2. Exhibition of sculptures by Wanda LADNIEWSKA, late Auschwitz survivor, on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of KL Auschwitz liberation.
  3. Zola and the Dreyfus Affair. A Moment in Humanity's Conscience - opening of an exhibition of documentary materials from the Lorraine Beitler Collection, University of Pennsylvania
  4. Jewish Cracow - opening of a photographic exhibition by Jacek BALCEWICZ
  5. Dream, Memory, Love - opening of an exhibition of paintings by Michael ROGATCHI (Finland).
  6. Towards the Light - opening of an exhibition of paintings by Ora SINGER (Israel).
  7. Jewish Tradition in Hungary - opening of an exhibition of photographs by Tamás FÉNER (HUNGARIAN WEEK OF JEWISH CULTURE)
  8. Because the Other Books are Like Meteors. Illustrations to Bruno Schulz's Prose - exhibition of work by Wieslaw SZUMINSKI (Sejny)
  9. Book of Questions by Edmond Jabes - exhibition of selected entries in the international competition for the book cover, organized by art schools in Cracow and Paris.
  10. I Have Time - exhibition of paintings by Halina KOZIOL (Oswiecim), organized jointly with the International Youth Meeting Center in Oswiecim.
  11. Chatam Sofer's Tomb in Bratislava - photographs by Andrej BÁN (Bratislava) (JEWS IN SLOVAKIA)
  12. In the Changes of Time - photographs by Viera KAMENICKA (Bratislava) (JEWS IN SLOVAKIA)
  13. Faces - exhibition of paintings and prints by Zwy MILSTEIN (France), organized jointly with the Da Gamma Society and the French Culture Institute (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  14. Exhibition of paintings by Ewa SENCZAWA (Switzerland) (14th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL)
  15. Enchanted Kazimierz - exhibition of photographs by Elzbieta LEMPP (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  16. Mr. Pen, an Unfinished Autobiography - exhibition of drawings by Andrzej KRAUZE (London). Exhibition arranged within the framework of the UK21 Festival, organized jointly with the British Embassy in Warsaw and the British Council. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  17. Seinerzeit ausgewandert nach Palästina (Emigrated to Palestine Long Ago) - exhibition of prints by Reinhold EGERTH and Christine PIRKER (Austria), organized jointly with the Austrian Consulate General in Cracow. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  18. Tykocin - After-images - exhibition of photographs by Boguslaw ULICKI (Warsaw).
  19. Stalwart in the face of persecution. The Jehovah's Witnesses and Nazism - documentary exhibition about the persecution of Jehovah's Witness during World War II.
  20. Exhibition of prints by Kaja POTOCKA-WOLAK (Cracow)
  21. Cats - exhibition of paintings of disabled people, organized jointly with Miodowa Gallery in Cracow, Sara Café, and Therapy Workshops for Disabled People in Cracow.
  22. The Faces of Photographs - exhibition of press photographs by photographers of Gazeta Wyborcza daily in Cracow.


  1. Jazz concert performed by Gilad ROTH (saxophone, Israel), Asaf SIRKIS (percussion, Israel) and Maciej DOMARADZKI (bass guitar, Poland).
  2. Chamber music concert performed by the Piera DADOMO and Vincenzo TORRICELLA Duo (guitar, mandolin, Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow
  3. Concert of Mexican and Spanish songs performed by Julietta GONZALES (soprano, castanets) and Rodrigo de STEFANIS (lute, barocco guitar), organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw and Mr. Janusz Postolko, Honorary Consul of Mexico in Cracow.
  4. Purim Shalechmones - concert of Purim songs performed by Irena URBANSKA (voice), Leslaw LIC (clarinette), Roman SLAZYK (double-bass) and Oskar GUT (accordeon).
  5. Chamber music concert performed by Barbara GASIOR (violin), Anna OSTACHOWSKA (viola), Ewa PAWLOWSKA (cello), Michal DZIAD (piano), Marcin WOLAK (baritone) and Janina WERNER (piano). Concert organized jointly with the French Culture Institute in Cracow.
  6. Chamber music concert performed by Marco GERBONI and Giorgio FARINA (saxophone and piano), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow.
  7. Koluch & the Haveyrim - concert of Jewish songs performed by Mariusz KOLUCH (voice), Jacek ZIOBRO (trumpet), Max KOWALSKI (double bass) and Bartlomiej SZCZEPANSKI (percussion). Concert organized jointly with the Homini Publishing House.
  8. Piano recital by Piotr RÓZANSKI.
  9. L'Hayim! - concert of Jewish songs performed by Ervin SCHONHAUSER (baritone) and Igor BÁZLIK (piano). (JEWS IN SLOVAKIA)
  10. Chamber music concert performed by the VIOLARIUM TRIO (Cracow): Anna KOZERA (violin), Mariusz GROCHOWSKI (viola) and Lukasz SZYMANOWSKI (cello).
  11. Chamber music concert performed by Krzysztof KLIMA and Renata ZOLOBOWSKA (INTERNATIONAL CLARINET FESTIVAL)
  12. Chamber music concert performed by Szymon KLIMA, Jacek MUZYK and Renata ZOLOBOWSKA (INTERNATIONAL CLARINET FESTIVAL)
  13. Concert performed by the pupils of the State Music School in Cracow on the occasion of Mother's Day.
  14. Piano Recital performed by Stefan LABANOWSKI in Ignacy Paderewski's Manor House in Kasna Dolna.
  15. Piano recital by Piotr RÓZANSKI.
  16. Concert of Jewish music performed by QUARTET KLEZMER TRIO in the castle in Przemysl, as a part of the Musical Autumn in Przemysl Festival.
  17. Piano recital by Rev. Jean RUDOLF for a group of French Catholics.
  18. NEW YEAR'S CONCERT - ROSH HA-SHANA 5765 Concert of synagogal music and Yiddish songs performed by the LEIPZIG SYNAGOGAL CHOIR, conducted by Maestro Helmut KLOTZ; soloists: Ulrike HELZEL (alto), Helmut KLOTZ (tenor), Egbert JUNGHANS (baritone) and Clemens POSSELT (piano). (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  19. Concert of Jewish, Armenian and Russian songs performed by Irena VORONTSOVA (voice, Moscow) and Igor EGIKOV (piano, Moscow). (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  20. Concert of Lithuanian music performed by SESUPE Ensemble (Sejny) (KALEIDOSCOPE OF CULTURES: LITHUANIANS IN POLAND)
  21. Concert of klezmer music performed by DI GALITZYANER KLEZMORIM: Mariola SPIEWAK (clarinet), Grzegorz SPIEWAK (accordion) and Rafal SEWERYNIAK (double bass). (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  22. Destination Unknown - world premiere of a composition by Bartosz CHAJDECKI performed by the QUADRIGA chamber orchestra, directed by Piotr SULKOWSKI. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  23. Deco Diva - monodrama about Tamara Lempicka performed by Kara WILSON (London). Theater performance arranged within the framework of the UK21 Festival, organized jointly with the British Embassy in Warsaw and the British Council. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  24. Guitar music concert performed by Sante TURSKI (Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Culture Institute in Cracow. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  25. Concert of klezmer music performed by ZINA & FEDERMAN (Berlin). (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  26. Chamber music concert performed by the STRAUSS ENSEMBLE OF VIENNA: Alfred PFLEGER (violin), Chrisoula KOMBOTIS (violin), Irene FRANK (cello), Wolfgang HARRER (double bass) and Christian HEITLER (piano). Concert organized jointly with the Austrian Consulate General in Cracow, Wien Kultur, Wiener-Krakauer Kultur-Gesellschaft and the Austrian Cultural Forum. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  27. THE 11th ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPENING OF THE CENTER FOR JEWISH CULTURE - concert of chamber music performed by Kaja DANCZOWSKA (violin, Poland), Jeremy FINDLAY (cello, Canada) and Ellen BRASLAVSKY (piano, U.S.A.). Concert organized jointly with the Canadian Embassy and the Italian Culture Institute in Cracow. (BAYIT HADASH ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE)
  28. Witold Lutoslawski - The Source of Fascination - concert performed by the DAFO Quartet (Cracow): Justyna DUDA (violin), Danuta AUGUSTYN (violin), Kinga ROESLER (viola) and Anna ARMATYS (cello).
  29. Concert of Jewish Music performed by the REINER TRIO: Roman REINER (violin), Barbara LYPIK-SOBANIEC (cello) and Slawomir CIERPIK (piano). Concert on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the Jewish presence in Cracow, organized jointly with the Jewish Community in Cracow.
  30. NEW YEAR'S EVE CONCERT 2004 / 2005 Piano concert performed by Stefan Labanowski and Piotr Rózanski.


  1. Polish Judaica - Time of Stones, Time of Life - slide show by Anna OLEJ-KOBUS and Krzysztof KOBUS.
  2. Something Like That - multimedia show by Andrzej KRAMARZ, presenting his photographs made over the past ten years
  3. Post card auction organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Bookstore (February)
  4. Book Auction organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Bookstore (March)
  5. Presentation of the Polish Make a Wish Foundation, helping terminally ill children to make their wishes come true.
  6. Post card auction organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Bookstore (September)
  7. Book auction organzied by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Bookstore (September)
  8. Book auction organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Bookstore (October)
  9. Unveiling of the Rafael F. Scharf memorial plaque at the Center for Jewish Culture.
  10. Meeting of the Poland - Israel Friendship Society
  11. Monthly meetings of the Righteous Among the Nations Society (12 meetings)
  12. Lectures and guided tours of the Zola and the Dreyfuss Affair exhibition for the students of the school from Cracow's Kazimierz.
  13. Ceremony conferring Righteous Among the Nations medals to Poles who rescued Jews during World War II, organized by the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw and the Yad Vashem Institute.
  14. Ceremony on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the liquidation of the Cracow ghetto, organized by the Society to Protect Majdanek, for school children from Cracow.
  15. Meeting of German priests with Wlodzimierz Stein, Holocaust survivor, member of the Jewish Religious Community in Cracow.
  16. Press conference related to the Hungarian Week of Jewish Culture with the participation of Zsoltan Nagyivani, Hungarian Consul General in Cracow, and Patricia Paszt, Director of the Hungarian Center in Cracow.
  17. Workshop for Polish volunteers of the Make a Wish Foundation.
  18. First meeting of members of the GESHER Society for Polish-Israeli Friendship.
  19. Showing of a film about the Jewish Culture Festival in Cracow, organized by the GESHER Society.
  20. Meeting of German teachers with Stella Muller-Madej, Holocaust survivor from Cracow.
  21. Auction of homeless cats, organized by Shelter for Animals in Cracow and the Sara Café.
  22. The Faces of Photographs - slide show by photographers of Cracow's Gazeta Wyborcza daily.


  1. Prof. Hanna Buczynska-Garewicz, Holy Cross University, MA, U.S.A.
  2. Michel Raineri, French Consul General in Cracow
  3. Dr. Hermine Poppeller, Austrian Consul General in Cracow
  4. Dr. Stefan Wackwitz, Director of the Goethe Institute in Cracow
  5. Aleksandr Medownikow, Ukrainian Consul General in Cracow
  6. Walerij Rodionow, Russian Consul General in Cracow
  7. Stanislaw Kracik, Mayor of Niepolomice near Cracow
  8. Zoltan Nagyivanyi, Hungarian Consul General in Cracow
  9. Krisztina Baba, Deputy Director of the Hungarian Culture Institute in Warsaw
  10. Frank Schober, Cultural Attache of the German Consulate in Cracow
  11. Jan Okonski, President of the Our City caucus in the Cracow City Council
  12. Wlodzimierz Kac, President of the Jewish Community in Katowice
  13. Bozena Wawrzyniak, Director of the Jewish Community Office in Katowice
  14. Alexandra Davison, Political Secretary of the British Embassy in Warsaw
  15. Mieczyslaw Lagosz, Chairman of the socialists' caucus (SLD-UP) in the Cracow City Council
  16. Pawel Zaorski, Chairman of the liberal caucus (PO) in the Cracow City Council
  17. Stanislaw Handzlik, Chairman of the Culture Commission of the Cracow City Council
  18. Andrzej Sasula, Deputy Marshal of Malopolska Province
  19. Krzysztof Markiel, Director of the Department of Culture and Education of the Marshal's Office in Cracow
  20. Lilli Galili, journalist of Ha'aretz newspaper, Israel
  21. Haruhisa Ogawa, the Society to Help Returnees to North Korea
  22. Prof. Jacek Kochanowicz, President of the "Karta z dziejów" (Chapter of History) Foundation
  23. Prof. Gustaw Kazimierz Zemla, sculptor
  24. His Excellency Cardinal Franciszek Macharski
  25. Sirpa Rautio, Director of the Human Rights Section of the OSCE in Warsaw
  26. Piotr Döerre, President of the Polish Family League caucus in the Cracow City Council
  27. Bishop Kazimierz Nycz
  28. David Peleg, Israeli Ambassador to Poland
  29. Stanislawa Urbaniak, Deputy Mayor of Cracow
  30. Anna Tarnawska, Provincial Office
  31. Pawel Pytko, Chairman of the Cracow City Council
  32. Agnieszka Gilarska, Director of the Cracow 2000 office
  33. Rabbi Jakub Szwejcer, Chief-Rabbi of Budapest
  34. Yosef Lapid, Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister of Justice of Israel
  35. Christian Strohal, Director, Organization for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
  36. Helmut Morlock, architect from Germany, member of the Foundation for the International Youth Meeting Center in Oswiecim
  37. Dieter Althaus, Prime-Minister of Turingen, Germany
  38. Bishop Dr. Joachim Wanke, Erfurt, Germany
  39. Franz Kaiser, European Minister of Turingen, Germany
  40. Jürgen Reinholz, Minister of Labor of Turingen, Germany
  41. Prof. Karen Gould, University of Cincinnati
  42. Prof. Robert Schwarzworld, University of Massachusetts, Elmhurst
  43. Carlos Blau, Costa Rica, born in Cracow's Kazimierz district
  44. Prof. Gerd R. Hoff, Dean of the Education and Psychology Faculty at the Freie Universitat in Berlin
  45. Guy Feaux de la Croix, Director of the Cultural Department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  46. Amos Lozzatto, President of the Union of Jewish Communities in Italy
  47. Pietro Marchesani, translator of Polish literature into Italian
  48. Bernard i Barbara Osher, Osher Foundation, San Francisco
  49. Tad Taube, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, San Francisco
  50. Most Reverend Bishop Dr. Barry Morgan, Great Britain
  51. Canon Michael Ipgrave, Great Britain
  52. Miriam Akavia, writer from Israel, born in Cracow
  53. Lena Stanley-Clamp, Jewish Policy Institute, London
  54. Belinda Cook, New School, New York
  55. Dr. Victoria Mochalowa, Sefer Institute, Moscow
  56. Felicia Haberfeld, U.S.A.
  57. Dr. Margolis-Edelman
  58. Michael Steinman, Philadelphia
  59. Ben Helfgot, London
  60. Lili Pohlman, London
  61. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lysyshyn, Canadian Ambassador to Poland
  62. Dr. Haydar Sari, Cultural Department of the Vienna City Council
  63. Dr. Hans Guggenheim, Boston
  64. Irena Fugalewicz, Silesia Foundation
  65. Henryka Zabicka, Silesian Foundation
  66. Robert Kuwalek, Director of the Belzec Memorial and Museum
  67. Marek Szczepanek, Director of Cracow Public Television
  68. Reinhard Caspari, German-Polish Association in Gottingen, GErmany
  69. Mereille Silcoff, Senior Editor, Saturday Post, National Post, Canada
  70. Philip Broadley, Prudential plc, Great Britain
  71. Liza Vizard, Prudential plc, Great Britain
  72. Beata Mrozowska, Lovells Law Office, Warsaw
  73. Prof. Franz Haslinger, Institute of Ethics and Medicine, Vienna
  74. Szmuel Wircer, Director of the Jewish Theater in Tel-Aviv
  75. Meier Mandelman, Israel
  76. Anna Borgenicht, London
  77. Malgorzata Dzieduszycka, Director of the Foreign Department in the Polish Ministry of Culture
  78. Krzysztof Potocki, Paris
  79. Yossef Levy, Political Counselor, Israeli Embassy in Warsaw
  80. Norman Kleeblatt, curator, Jewish Museum, New York
  81. Lea Shinar, writer from Israel, born in Cracow
  82. Egidijus Meilunas, Lithuanian Ambassador to Poland
  83. Audrone Markeviciene, Secretary of the Lithuanian Embassy in Warsaw
  84. Evaldas Stenkievicius, Cultural Attache of the Lithuanian Embassy in Warsaw
  85. Dr. Holger Politt, Director of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Warsaw
  86. Charles Crawford, Ambassador of Great Britain to Poland
  87. Tim Simmons, Deputy Ambassador of Great Britain to Poland
  88. Susan Maingay, Director of the British Council in Poland
  89. Television journalists from Perugia, Italy
  90. Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, CEO of PEKAO S.A. Bank
  91. Prof. dr hab. Adam Suchonski, Director of the History Institute at Opole University
  92. Ryszard Horowitz
  93. Jörg-Ingo Weber, Member of local Parliament from Berlin (Senatsrat a. D. Berlin)
  94. Adam Easton, BBC correspondent in Warsaw


  1. Group from Munich and Hamburg
  2. Students of Polish language and culture at the Mainzer Polonicum in Mainz, Germany
  3. Group of Israelis from a kibbutz
  4. Students from Zaporoze, Ukraine
  5. Group of religious youth from the U.S.A.
  6. Fellows of the German Marshall Fund from the U.S.A.
  7. German priests from Rhine region
  8. Students from Spanish Galicia - guests of the high school in Cracow's Kazimierz within the Socrates program
  9. High school students from Moers in Belgium, guests of the High School No.10 in Cracow
  10. High school students from Oest near Dortmund, Germany, participants in a seminar organized in the International Youth Meeting Center in Oswiecim
  11. American students of sociology at the Jagiellonian University
  12. Members of the Rotary Clubs in north Germany
  13. Members of Rotary Clubs in south Germany, with Helmut Morlock
  14. Young Jewish leaders of the United Jewish Appeal
  15. Students of the Akademia High School in Finland
  16. Group from Germany
  17. Group of young people from Jerusalem
  18. Group of Israelis from a kibbutz
  19. Students from Canada
  20. Jewish group from Prodi, Italy
  21. Group of students from Sweden
  22. Group of high school students from Israel
  23. Members of the Rotary Club, Hamburg
  24. German students
  25. Group from Minneapolis, U.S.A.
  26. Group of students from Jerusalem and Kassel
  27. Group from Hannover
  28. Students from Germany
  29. High school students from Bayern, Germany
  30. Group of tourists from Germany
  31. Group of students from Jena, Germany
  32. Students from Germany
  33. Jewish group from Italy, members of the Italian Union of Jewish Communities
  34. Fellows of the German Marshall Fund, U.S.A.
  35. Group of students of the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, U.S.A.
  36. Students of the Realschule Bockenem in Germany
  37. Group from Berlin
  38. Students from Meklemburg, Germany
  39. Group from Nuremberg
  40. Group from the police school in Hamburg
  41. Students from Dresden, Germany
  42. Group of American volunteers at the Auschwitz Jewish Center
  43. American students of CET Jewish Studies in Prague
  44. Russian students of the Sefer Institute in Moscow
  45. High school students from Germany
  46. Delegation from the Boll Foundation, Germany
  47. Die Zeit readers' club members from Germany
  48. Jewish group from London
  49. Theology students from Turku University, Finnland
  50. Group of students of the American School in Warsaw (students from the U.S.A., Japan and Poland)
  51. Students from Sweden
  52. Group from Germany
  53. Group of young people from Vienna
  54. Group of young people from Belgium
  55. Group of students from Austria
  56. Group of young people from Germany
  57. Die Zeit readers' club members from Germany
  58. Young people from Freiburg, Germany
  59. Group from Munich
  60. Group from Germany
  61. Members of Politische Bildung Akademie in Dresden, Germany
  62. Students from Switzerland
  63. Students from Heidelberg, Germany
  64. Group of teachers from Berlin
  65. Group from Germany
  66. Group from Deutsche Bildungswerk in Nordrein, Germany
  67. Members of the German - Polish Association in Germany
  68. American students of the LEXIA International program in Berlin
  69. Group of Catholics from Burgundy, France
  70. Students of technical school in Munich, Germany
  71. Group from Washington, D.C.
  72. Group of young people from Germany
  73. Group of young people from Germany
  74. High school students from Heidelberg
  75. High school students from Berlin and Dresden
  76. High school students from Münster
  77. Members of Assosation de Jeunesse from Paris
  78. Group of high school students from Tubing near Stuttgart, Germany
  79. American students of the CEU in Prague
  80. Group from Frankfurt / Main
  81. Group from Hessen, Germany
  82. Teachers from Lithuania
  83. Group from Dusseldorf, Germany
  84. Group from Cologne, Germany
  85. Young people from Germany
  86. Young people from Austria
  87. Group of young people from Bonn and Cologne
  88. Members of United Jewish Appeal from Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
  89. Group from Great Britain
  90. Young people from Berlin
  91. Young people from Great Britain
  92. Members of the Rotary Club in Luneburg, Germany
  93. Group from Germany
  94. Group from Austria
  95. Group of Israelis living in London
  96. Group from Berlin
  97. Group of young people from Holland, Italy and Germany
  98. Group from Norway
  99. Group from Germany
  100. Group from Ruhr-Region
  101. Group from Thailand
  102. Group from Germany
  103. Group from the Hochschule Magdeburg
  104. Group from Bildungstatte Burg in Hochenberg, Germany


  1. Students of the High School No. 6 in Cracow's Kazimierz
  2. High school students from Bydgoszcz
  3. Students of High School No. 27 in Cracow
  4. Students of High School No. 6 in Cracow's Kazimierz, with art professor Jerzy Noworól, visiting Wanda Ladniewska exhibition
  5. Students of political science at Opole University
  6. Students of the Middle School No. 2 in Cracow
  7. High school students from Mikolów
  8. Disabled people from the Art Therapy Workshops in Cracow, visiting Wieslaw Szuminski's exhibition with the artist
  9. Students from the Sociology Department at the Silesian University

    Zentrum für Jüdische Kultur
    in Kazimierz - Krakau
    ul. Meiselsa 17, 31-058 Kraków

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    fax (12)430 64 97
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