ul. Meiselsa 17, 31-058 Kraków
tel. +48 12 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax +48 12 430 64 97

tel. +48 12 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax +48 12 430 64 97

Monatsprogramm /...Jahresbericht
Zentrum für Jüdische Kultur
in Kazimierz - Krakau
16 book presentations and meetings with authors
25 seminars and conferences
18 exhibitions
26 concerts and theater performances
42 film showings and
16 other program-related events
The Center was visited by
86 personalities from international and Polish cultural, social and political life
175 foreign groups and
113 Polish groups of visitors
In the year 2005 approximately 25 000 people visited the Center and participated in its programs.
The Judaica Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture participated in the European Union program under the title Monument Nomination and Pilot Implementation as an Alternative Form of Religious and Architecture Tourism dedicated to synagogal and monasterial architecture in Europe.
- KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, seen from the perspective of 60 years
- Greeting the Third Book of the Torah in Polish Translation,
- Renew Kazimierz’s Main Square? - panel discussion about plans for Nowy Square in Kazlimierz, with Municipal Conservator Genowefa ZAŃ-OGRABEK, Małgorzata WALCZAK, Nowy Square Manager Janina GRABOWSKA, District I Council Chairman Kazimierz, Wojciech KOZDRONKIEWICZ, Cracow Jewish Religious Community Council Chairman Tadeusz JAKUBOWICZ, moderated by Joachim S. Russek (FORUM-KAZIMIERZ)
- Panel discussion with David PELEG, Israeli Ambassador to Poland, Father Stanisław OBIREK SJ, Bogusław SONIK, European Parliament Delegate, Stefan WILKANOWICZ and Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI (AUCHWITZ-BIRKENAU ONE MEMORY OR MANY? )
- 700 years of the Jewish Presence in Cracow - meeting with Prof. Maria ORWID, Prof. Jacek BOMBA, Anis D. PORDES, and Katarzyna ZIMMERER, who all participated in the anniversary celebrations in Tel-Aviv on December 12th, 2004.
- March ‘68 - panel discussion with Seweryn BLUMSZTAJN, Krzysztof KOZŁOWSKI and Michał SOBELMAN. (ANNIVERSARY OF MARCH ’68 EVENTS)
- Schindler’s Jews, a documentary exhibition in the Kupa Synagogue - meeting with exhibition author Prof. Aleksander SKOTNICKI, Cracow Photographic Society Chairman Władysław KLIMCZAK, Disctict I Council Chairman Wojciech KOZDRONKIEWICZ, and Prof. Andrzej KURZ.
- John Paul II, in memoriam - meeting devoted to the late Pope and his legacy, with Dr. Stanisław KRAJEWSKI, Dominik MORAWSKI and Jan TURNAU
- Discussion of Bulgarian Jewry, with David PELEG, Israeli Ambassador to Poland, Prof. Michael BAR-ZOHAR, member of the Knesset and Israeli writer, and Boryana PUNCZEWA, Director of the Bulgarian Culture Institute in Warsaw.
- Rafael F. Scharf, in memoriam - discussion with Monika KRAJEWSKA, Dr. Stanisław KRAJEWSKI, Prof. Jerzy JEDLICKI, Konstanty GEBERT, Lili POHLMANN and Ruth BUCZYŃSKA, moderated by Joachim S. RUSSEK
- Memory - Heritage - Civil Society. Monasterial and Synagogal Architecture in Poland and Its Impact on Cultural and Economic Development - Summer Program for participants of the EU Community Program MoNoPi
- Jewish Life in Leipzig and Cracow - meeting (conducted in German) of representatives of Jewish and cultural organizations from Leipzig and Cracow. (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Jerzy Boniecki, Creator and Founder of the POLCUL Independent Foundation for Support of Culture - meeting with Grażyna RASZKOWSKA and presentation of a film about Jerzy Boniecki. (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Conference for French journalists organized jointly with the Shoah Memorial Foundation from Paris
- Ukraine - in the Middle of Europe - panel discussion with Ihor MELNYK (Lviv), Piotr KOZAKIEWICZ (Kiev), Piotr TYMA (WARSAW), Prof. Grzegorz PRZEBINDA and Dr. Lech GÓRNIAK, moderated by Dr. Agnieszka KORNIEJENKO
- Youth and Anti-Semitism in the European Context - panel discussion organized jointly with Society Pro vita et spe in Cracow
- Meeting of the German group with Tadeusz Sobolewski, a survivor
- Remembering for the Future - conference for teachers from Malopolska region
- Teaching About the Holocaust and Teaching Religion - seminar for American teachers from Arizona organized jointly with Anti-Defamation League in Phoenix, Arizona
- Seminar for volunteers from Austria organized jointly with Verein für Dienste im Ausland
- Holocaust and Memory - seminar organized jointly with St. Mary’s College, Maryland, Action Reconciliation, Germany and Forum for Dialogue Among the Nations in Gliwice, Poland
- Meeting of German teachers with the group of KL Auschwitz survivors.
- Presentation of the MoNoPi program for the group of participants in the HERMES conference in Cracow
- 22. Meeting for school youth in Cracow organized by the Society for Protection Majdanek
- Anti-phobie - seminar organized by Polish Campaigne Against Homophobia as a part of Day of Tolerance in Cracow
- Meeting with inhabitants of Kazimierz dedicated to the results of the commercial development of Kazimierz
The Kazimierz of My Dreams
panel discussion (in Polish) with Henryk HALKOWSKI, Dr. Monika MURZYN (International Cultural Centre in Cracow), Wojciech ORNAT, and Dr. Stanisław POCHWAŁA (Director of the Municipal Civil Engineering Museum in Cracow). Organized within the framework of the European Project
A Monument Nomination and Pilot Implementation as an Alternative Form of Architecture and Religious Tourism.
- Auschwitz Remembrance - exhibition of Auschwitz-related posters, from the collection of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
- “ 05” - exhibition presenting the work of artists from the town of Oświęcim and vicinity: Remigiusz DULKO, Józef HOŁARD, Janusz KARBOWNICZEK, Elżbieta KURAJ, Paweł WARCHOŁ
- People and Stones - exhibition of photographs by Stanisław PRĘGOWSKI.
- Remnants are Questions - exhibition of works by Janusz MARCINIAK
- The Way Mr. Chagall Painted - exhibition of paintings by Małgorzata STUDENNY.
- Exhibition of drawings by Greta AGNEŻA and prints by Agnieszka TRZEBIŃSKA
- Conversations with Kafka - exhibition of paintings by Jacob PORAT (Israel), organized jointly with the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw
- Vilnius - Jerusalem - Paris - exhibition of paintings by Rafael CHWOLES, organized jointly with the Archive of Émigré Artists, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
- Only the stars are the same as yesterday - documentary exhibition about Henryk MANDELBAUM, member of the Sonderkommando in KL Auschwitz-Birkenau; organized jointly with the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim and the Educational Center in Kassel, Germany
- Against the Current - documentary exhibition from the Anti-War Museum of the Peace Library in Berlin, jointly organized with the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim
- First Zionist Congress in Basel - documentary exhibition in the Silesian Library in Katowice
- Jewish Holidays Through Orthodox Eyes - photographic exhibition by Sara FERENHEIMER and Michael COHN (Israel). (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Inspired by Jewish Culture -exhibition of works by students of the School of Fine Arts in Częstochowa. (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Tradition and Modernity - exhibition of paintings by Mina GAMPEL, Stuttgart
- First Zionist Congress in Basel - documentary exhibition in the Zamek Cultural Center in Poznań
- Jews in Prewar Cracow opening of an exhibition of photographs by Zeev ALEKSANDROWICZ, organized jointly with the Cracow Photographic Society (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Jewish Life in Contemporary Leipzig exhibition of photographs by Sylvia HAUPTMANN (Germany), organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow’s Leipzig Days events. (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Justice Illuminated. The Art of Artur Szyk exhibition organized jointly with the Artur Szyk Society, with the kind support of the Robbins Family Philanthropic Fund and the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Concert of works composed by Pavel Haas, Hans Krás, Viktor Ullmann and Gideon Klein, who were confined to that ghetto in 1941-1944 and who died in Auschwitz-Birkenau (60th ANNIVERSARY OF KL AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU LIBERATION)
- 6804 - personal tales from the memory of August Kowalczyk, former prisoner of KL Auschwitz - monodrama by August KOWALCZYK (60th ANNIVERSARY OF KL AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU LIBERATION)
- Piano recital performed by Piotr RÓŻAŃSKI on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Tygodnik Powszechny weekly
- 4. Concert of Yiddish and Hebrew songs performed by MAAGAN-MICHAEL CHOIR (Israel), conducted by Haim ESSNER (62nd ANNIVERSARY OF CRACOW GHETTO LIQUIDATION)
- Gebirtig - Bard of Adversity - concert of Mordechaj Gebirtig’s songs performed by Małgorzata SOWIŃSKA (voice), Kamila OWSIANKOW (flute), Krzysztof MROZIAK (accordion) and Krzysztof ŁOCHOWICZ (electric guitar)
- Jazz music concert performed by Brad TERRY (U.S.A., clarinette) and Joachim MENCEL (Poland, piano)
- Chamber music concert performed by Łucja CZARNECKA (soprano) and Mirosław HERBOWSKI (piano). In the program, Spanish songs by M. de Falla and Gypsy Songs by A. Dvorak.
- Chamber music concert performed by the REINER TRIO: Roman REINER (violin), Barbara ŁYPIK-SOBANIEC (cello) and Sławomir CIERPIK (piano), on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Reiner Trio ensemble.
- Concert of chamber music performed by the TRIO AMADEI (Italy): Liliana Amadei (violin), Antonio Amadei (cello) and Marco Amadei (piano). Jointly organized with the Italian Culture Institute in Cracow.
- Charitable concert - to benefit schools in Warmia-Masuria Province, organized by Cracow high school students under the patronage of the Center for Human Rights. Concert performed by the HASKALA KLEZMER BAND: Duda ŚMIETANA-KURASIEWICZ (violin), Paweł KURASIEWICZ (clarinette), Dominik WYWROCKI (double bass), Bogusław ZIĘBA (accordion) and Rafał TARCHOLIK (percussion).
- The Wardrobe - monodrama by Monika KUFEL of the L. Solski Theater in Tarnów; screenplay by Monika KUFEL and Marcin BIALY, based on themes in the works of Hanna Krall and Olga Tokarczuk, with fragments of Julian Tuwim’s children’s poem “Locomotive.”
- Piano recital performed by Stefan ŁABANOWSKI. In the program, works by F. Chopin, R. Schumann and M. Ravel ( 60th ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS)
- Piano recital performed by Eligiusz SKOCZYLAS.
- The Wardrobe - monodrama by Monika KUFEL of the L. Solski Theater in Tarnów; screenplay by Monika KUFEL and Marcin BIALY, based on themes in the works of Hanna Krall and Olga Tokarczuk, with fragments of Julian Tuwim’s children’s poem “Locomotive.” (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Concert of synagogal music and Yiddish songs performed by the LEIPZIG SYNAGOGAL CHOIR, conducted by Maestro Helmut KLOTZ, with soloists Ji-Yeon JEONG (soprano), Helmut KLOTZ (tenor), Jürgen KURTH (baritone) and Iva DOLIZALEK (piano) on the occasion of Jewish New Year (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Concert of Italian music performed by Ensemble PAGUS (Italy), organized jointly with Underground Agency
- Concert if Spanish songs performed by Manuel SIRERA (Spain), organized jointly with Cervantes Institute in Cracow
- Piano recital by Piotr RÓŻAŃSKI
- Piano recital by Stefan ŁABANOWSKI
- Guitar concert performed by Jose Maria GALLARDO DEL REY (Spain) organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Cracow
- Chopin’s Music - piano recital by Stefan ŁABANOWSKI, Polish participant in the International Chopin Competition
- Chamber music concert performed by the REINER TRIO: Roman REINER (violin), Barbara ŁYPIK-SOBANIEC (cello) and Sławomir CIERPIK (piano).
- Concert of Jewish music performed by the SHUL BAND (New York): Adam FEDER (music director, guitar, voice), Ernesto VILLA-LOBOS (violin), Seth GINSBERG (mandolin, voice), Adam SEIDMAN (piano, voice), Lilly LAVNER (voice), Matt SNYDER (clarinet) and Dave HERTZBERG (bass).
- I Am the Jew from Wyspianski's "Wedding" theater performance by Jan NOWAK, Tadeusz MALAK and Lesław LIC, directed by Tadeusz MALAK. (12th ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPENING OF THE CENTER FOR JEWISH CULTURE - ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH). This theater performance was dedicated to the memory of Rafael F. Scharf.
- Concert performed by the KROKE ensemble: Tomasz KUKURBA (violin, viola), Jerzy BAWÓŁ (accordion) and Tomasz LATO (double bass). (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- New Year’s Eve concert performed by Adam MUSIALSKI (violin) and Beata MUSIALSKA (piano).
- Jazzman from the Gulag, documentary film about Eddi Rosner, by Pierre-Henry SALFATI (THE NATIONAL CHARITY ORCHESTRA CAMPAIGN)
- Finding Pictures - film by Benjamin GEISSLER. Introduction by Prof. Jerzy JARZĘBSKI.
- La Tregua - film by Francesco ROSI (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- The Passenger - film by Andrzej MUNK (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- There Were Ten of Us Brothers - film by Erwin LEISER, (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Leo and Claire - film by Joseph VILSMAIER (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Naked Among Wolves - film by Frank BEYER (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Kornblumenblau - film by Leszek WOSIEWICZ (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Shop on the Main Street - film by Jan KADAR and Elmar KLOS (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Holy Week - film by Andrzej WAJDA (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Bitter Harvest - film by Agnieszka HOLLAND (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Europa, Europa - film by Agnieszka HOLLAND (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- The Murderers Among Us - film by Wolfgang STAUDTE (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Korczak by Andrzej Wajda - screening for students of the Pedagogical Academy in Cracow (February)
- Border Street - film by Aleksander FORD (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- Sophie’s Choice - film by Alan J. PAKULA (IMAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST IN FILMS)
- March ’68. Snapshots After 25 Years. - documentary film, 1993 (in Polish).
- Passion of Life - presentation of an autobiographical documentary by Dr. Leszek ALLERHAND with the participation of the author.
- Korczak by Andrzej Wajda - screening for students of the Pedagogical Academy in Cracow (March)
- An Actor. Michał Szweilich by Krystyna SHMERUK (MARCH 27th INTERNATIONAL THEATRE DAY)
- Genius of the Stage. Ludwik Solski by Romuald GANTKOWSKI (MARCH 27th INTERNATIONAL THEATRE DAY)
- Discourses with Jan Nowak Jeziorański - film by Andrzej WAJDA and Andrzej KOTKOWSKI
- John Paul II in the Holy Land - documentary film about the pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Israel, the Palestinian Autonomous Area, Jordan and Egypt in 2000
- Presentation of Israeli documentary film organized jointly with GESHER Society in Cracow
- Beyond Hitler’s Grasp by Nitzan AVIRAM (Israel)
- Rafael F. Scharf: I am a Polish Jew by Jerzy Ridan (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Leszek Allerhand: Passion of Life by Leszek Allerhand (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Searching for the Years Past by Jerzy Sosiński (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Alex Danzig: Kibbutznik from Nir-Oz by Krzysztof Bukowski and Michał Sobelman (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Alex Danzig: Reading Sienkiewicz in the Negev Desert by Krzysztof Bukowski and Michał Sobelman (15th JEWISH CULTURE FESTIVAL IN CRACOW)
- Po-Lan-Yah, Part I: From East to West and Part II: Council of Four Lands - film showing (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Po-Lan-Yah, Part III : Hard Times and Part IV: God is Everywhere - film showing (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Po-Lan-Yah, Part V: Love Poland as a Pole and Part VI: New Jews - film showing (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Po-Lan-Yah., Part VII: Between the World Wars - film showing (ENCOUNTERS WITH JEWISH CULTURE BAYIT HADASH)
- Natan Gross - Tango by J. Ridan
- Chopin’s Afterlife - documentary film by Ophra YERUSHALMI
- Kantor - documentary film by Andrzej SAPIJA about Tadeusz Kantor, on the 15th anniversary of his death
- Simon Wiesenthal, in Memoriam - documentary films: The Price of Life (Cena życia) by Jadwiga Wolska, and Simon Wiesenthal in Cracow (1994)
- Shmuel ATZMON-WIRCER, Director , The Yiddish Theater of Israel
- Arielle THEDREL, a journalist from Le Figaro
- Steven GOLDBERG, a journalist from the CNN
- Christophe CHATELOT, a journalist from Le Monde
- Laura LYNCH, correspondent of the Canadian CBC Radio in Poland
- Prof. Eveline GOODMAN-THAU, Academy for Religion, Science and Art, Germany
- Prof. Herman COHEN, Israel
- Pastor Edward F. BYSKAL, Bible Believers INC., Canada
- Bogusław SONIK, Member of the European Parliament from Poland
- Canon Michael IPGRAVE, Great Britain
- Włodzimierz PALUCH, President of the Foundation for International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim
- Dr Alicja BARTUŚ, President of the Executive Board of the Foundation for International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim
- Zbigniew BARTUŚ, Director of the Dziennik Polski daily in Oświęcim
- Leszek SZUSTER, Director of the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim
- Waldemar RUDYK, Director of Chełmek Cultural Center in Chełmek in Oświęcim
- Zbigniew JELEŃ, Chairman of the City Council in Chełmek
- Andrzej SATERNUS, Mayor of the City of Chełmek
- Prof. Geza VERMES, Oxford
- Ester DISCHEREIT, a writer from Berlin
- David PELEG, Israeli Ambassador to Poland
- Prof. Andrzej SZCZEKLIK, Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University
- Krystyna LENART, Director of the Silesian Museum in Opole
- Ramiro VILLAPADIERNA, a journalist of the Spanish ABC journal in Berlin
- Eleonor WACHTEL, CBC Radio, Canada
- Sebastian SCHRODER, Institute for European Urban Studies, Bauchaus University, Weimar, Germany
- Jeff HEINRICH, a journalist of The Gazette, Montreal, Canada
- Paul WIESER, Anti-Defamation League, Arizona, USA
- Dr. Todd ARMSTRONG, Director, Center for International Studies, Grinnel College
- Prof. Karl DEDECIUS, a writer and translator, Darmstadt, Germany
- Dr. Joachim ROGALL, Bosch Stiftung, Germany
- Helga HIRSCH, a journalist and writer from Germany
- Prof. Herman SCHOLL, Chairman of the Bosch GmbH Board
- Dr. Heiner GUTBERLET, Chairman of the Robert Bosch Foundation
- Prof. Dieter BINGEN, Director of the German - Polish Institute in Darmtadt, Germany
- Julius Gunter RUEDELL, Classic Corporation GmbH, Hilden, Niemcy
- Anna BIKONT, a writer, author of the book “We from Yedvabne”, a journalist of the Gazeta Wyborcza daily
- Irvin UNGAR, The Artur Szyk Society, California, USA
- Sigmunt ROLAT, Oxford International Association, New York
- Tad TAUBE, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, San Francisco, USA
- Shanna PENN, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, San Francisco, USA
- Stephen DOBBS, Executive Director, Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, San Francisco, USA
- George AGRIGIANNIS, Development Company of Magnesia, Volos, Greece
- Anthony LERMAN, Hanadiv Charitable Foundation, Wielka Brytania
- Yossi LEVY, First Secretary of the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw
- David CARTER, Prudential PLC, London
- Lisa VIZARD, Prudential PLC, London
- Vladka MEED, a Holocaust survivor, New York
- Cardinal Christoph SCHÖNBORN, Vienna, Austria
- Rabin Robert A. JACOBS, Harford Jewish Center, Temple Adas Shalom, USA
- Dr. Thomas GLÄSER, German Cosnul General in Cracow
- Sylvie de BRUCHARD, French Consul General in Cracow
- Letty Cottin POGREBIN, USA
- Bruni ADLER, a writer from Wangen, Germany
- Rachel WEISMAN, Holocaust Museum in Houston, Texas, USA
- Dara GOLDBERG, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC
- Jordan E. TANNENBAUM, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC
- Alina SKIBIŃSKA, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Office in Warsaw
- Pastor Eduardo GADEA, Baptist Congregation, Valencia, Spain
- Rabbi Avraham FLAKS, Israel
- Prof. Henrieke STAHL, Trier University
- Dr. Emanuel MELTZER, Diaspora Research Institute, Tel-Aviv
- Prof. Antony POLONSKY, Brandeis University, Boston, USA
- Prof. Sergio RAJSBAUM, Mexico
- Juergen GANSAEUER, Prsident of the Lower Saxony Parliament, Germany
- Berndt BUSSEMAN, Minister of Culture of the Lower Saxony
- Wilfried WIEDEMANN, Foundation for the Lower Saxony’s Monuments
- Patrick BLOCHE, Member of the Paris City Council, Member of the French Parliament
- Prof. Adam WYŻYKOWSKI, Chief Architect of Cracow
- Joachim BARMWOLDT, a journalist from Germany
- Dr. Rebecca GOLDSTEIN, USA
- Dr. Angela EDER, Director of the Goethe Institute in Cracow
- Miriam AKAVIA, an Israeli writer, born in Cracow
- Prof. Simon SCHOON, Theological University in Kampen, Holland
- Janka BURIANOVA, Slovak Consul General in Cracow
- Rabin Irvin UNGAR, The Arthur Szyk Society, USA
- Alona FRANKEL, a writer from Israel
- Michael GLICKSMAN, a filmmaker from the USA
- Prof. Huang LING YU, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
- Maurits van GEEL, Director of the International Dance Theater in Amsterdam, Holland
- Ivan HORSKY, Slovak Consul General in Cracow
- Horst HORSTMANN, Editor0in-Chief of the Krakauer Zeitung from Berlin
- Janina PARADOWSKA, a journalist of the POLITYKA weekly
- Journalists from the Italian Catholic Television
1. MARCH OF REMEMBRANCE on the occasion of 62nd anniversary of the liquidation of the Cracow ghetto. Honorary Patrons: Mayor Prof. Jacek MAJCHROWSKI, Provincial Governor Jerzy ADAMIK, and Cracow Jewish Religious Community Council Chairman Tadeusz JAKUBOWICZ. Event organized jointly with the Jewish Community in Cracow, Jewish Culture Festival Society, Pod Orłem Pharmacy Historical Museum, Galicia Museum, and Cracow Dialogue Club.
2 - 4. Postcard auction organized by the RaraAvis Antiquarian Bookstore in Cracow (three
5 - 7. Book auction organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Bookshop (three times)
8. Jewish Traditions - lesson in the Primary School No. 14 in Cracow
9 - 16. Meetings of members of the Society Righteous Among the Nations (one meeting every month between January and June and September - October)
There were 55 foreign groups visiting the Center, that requested a special program for them, including documentary film showing, presentation of the Center’s mission and activity, as well as discussion with guests. Some 120 more groups came just with visit. They came from almost the whole world: most of the European countries, Israel, the United States, as well as South America, Australia and Asia.
There were 113 groups from Poland visiting the Center for Jewish Culture, including school groups and tourist groups. For most of them a special program was organized with discussion, film presentation and presentation of the Center’s mission and activities.
Zentrum für Jüdische Kultur
in Kazimierz - Krakau
ul. Meiselsa 17, 31-058 Kraków
tel. (12) 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax (12)430 64 97

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