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FOUNDATION PROGRAM REPORT 2001 Between January 1st and December 31st, 2001, 362 events took place at the Center for Jewish Culture in Kazimierz, Kraków, including 175 program events (lectures, book presentations, film showings, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and concerts), 166 visits of foreign groups, Polish groups and noted persons, and 21 commercial events. LECTURES, MEETINGS 1/ Father Stanisław MUSIAŁ SJ - Dabru Emet - Jewish Declaration on Christians and Christianity. (Day of Judaism - Encounters of Judaism and Christianity) 2/ Prof. Deborah WEISSMAN (Israel) - Jewish-Christian Dialogue in the Holy Land, organized jointly with the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw (Day of Judaism) 3/ Meeting with Rev. Prof. Michał CZAJKOWSKI and Dr. Stanisław KRAJEWSKI - Co-Chairmen of the Council of Christians and Jews in Poland (Day of Judaism)
4/ Meeting
with Prof. Józef SZAJNA - Józef Szajna and His World 5/ Meeting commemorating the life and work of Prof. Jan ZACHWATOWICZ, followed by film entitled Jan Zachwatowicz by Antoni Krauze 6/ Meeting with Jerzy HALBERSZTAT - presentation of the "Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw" project and of the computerized data base of Polish Judaica 7/ Dr. Sławomir KAPRALSKI (Central European University in Warsaw) - Jews - Poles - Remembrance 8/ Book of Questions - evening of poetry by Edmond JABES, presented by Prof. Adam WODNICKI, poetry translator 9/ Stanisław CIOSEK, former Polish Ambassador to Russia - My Mission in Moscow (1989-1996) (Democracy and Tolerance) 10/ Prof. Ewa ŁĘTOWSKA, former ombudsman - What Do Human Rights Teach People? (Democracy and Tolerance) 11/ Meeting with Prof. Shevah WEISS, Israeli Ambassador to Poland 12/ Jarosław ŻÓŁCIAK, architect - Commemorating the Concentration Camp in Płaszów. Possibilities for its Preservation 13/ Alina GRABOWSKA, journalist - Radio Free Europe in March 1968 (March '68 Anniversary) 14/ Father Stanisław MUSIAŁ SJ - Yedvabne - Reflections of a Polish Priest (Encounters of Christianity and Judaism) 15/
Anda ROTTENBERG, art historian and art critic - The Art of Culture
(Democracy and Tolerance) 17/ Rabbi David NOVAK - The Dabru Emet Statement and its Significance for Relations Between Jews and Christians 18/ Jerzy JARNIEWICZ, translator, literary critic, and editor of Literature of the World - In the Face of History. The Life and Work of Jerzy Kosiński (10th Anniversary of J. Kosiński's Death) 19/ Rev. Prof. Jerzy CHMIEL - The Bible - Archeology - Israel 20/ Father Stanisław MUSIAŁ SJ, May 27th at the All Saints' Church in Warsaw (Encounter of Judaism with Christianity) 21/ Enrico VOLPE (Italy) - Neapolitan Songs - A Historical Review, organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 22/ Helena DATNER, Warsaw Jewish Community Jews in Poland on Holidays and Not Only (Bayit Hadash) 23/ Meeting with Prof. Shevah WEISS, Israeli Ambassador to Poland (Bayit Hadash) 24/ Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI (The Jagiellonian University) Poles and Jews - Once Again? - Part One (Bayit Hadash) 25/ Dr. Tomasz GĄSOWSKI (The Jagiellonian University) Galicia as a Jewish Cradle (Bayit Hadash) 26/ Anna MIESZKOWSKA, author of the book about Marian Hemar From Lwów to London (Bayit Hadash) 27/ Prof. Hanna ŚWIDA-ZIEMBA, Warsaw University Yedvabne as a Challenge for Poles Today (Bayit Hadash) 28/ Prof. Natan WACHTEL, College de France Marrano Memories in Iberian America: Case Study (Bayit Hadash) 29/ Ryszard Marek GROŃSKI Antoni Słonimski - Witness of His Time (Bayit Hadash) 30/ Prof. Adam ZERTAL, Haifa University The Bible and History. Joshua's Altar on Mount Ebal: The Bible, Archeology, Controversy (Bayit Hadash) 31/ Meeting with Puppa GARRIBBA, an Italian Holocaust survivor (Settimana della Cultura Ebraica - Week of Italian-Jewish Culture) 32/ Ryszard KAPUŚCIŃSKI Citizens' Duties in a Multicultural World (Bayit Hadash-Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Annual Memorial Lecture) 33/
Ambassador Krzysztof MROZIEWICZ Terrorism of the New Generation
(Democracy and Tolerance) 35/ Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI (The Jagiellonian University) Poles And Jews - Once Again? - Part Two 36/ Father Stanisław MUSIAŁ SJ Jews, Christians and Muslims - Towards Each Other (Encounters of Judaism and Christianity) 37/
Meeting with Selim Mirza JUSZEŃSKI-CHAZBIJEWICZ, President of the Polish
Tatar Society 38/
Meeting with Jadwiga NOWAKOWSKA, film director, author of documentaries
about Polish Muslims 39/ Hava Alberstein's Di Krenice - presentation of CD by Dr. Przemysław PIEKARSKI
2/ Presentation of the album Before They Perished…Photographs Found in Auschwitz, published by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim. Meeting with Avihu RONEN, Hano LOEWY, Zygmunt PŁUŻNIK and Krystyna OLEKSY. Meeting organized jointly with the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim and the Goethe Institute in Cracow on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition in the former camp Sauna building in Birkenau 3/ Presentation of a book by Roma LIGOCKA entitled The Girl in the Red Jacket published by the ZNAK Publishing House. Meeting with the author, organized jointly with the ZNAK Publishing House, conducted by Katarzyna ZIMMERER (translator of the book) and Jerzy ILG, Editor-in-chief of ZNAK 4/ Presentation of a book entitled Cracow - Town of Kings, Town of Jews in the Drawings by Franciszek Turek with the participation of Rev. Mieczysław Turek, son of the painter 5/ Meeting with Agata ARASZKIEWICZ and Bożena UMIŃSKA, writers, authors of books about Jewish women, organized jointly with Crisis Intervention Society, as part of the Gender Studies program of the Jagiellonian University (Bayit Hadash) 6/ Presentation of the book Aleksander Hertz by Czesław MIŁOSZ. The Lecture on A. Hertz was the opening lecture of the Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Annual Memorial Lectures at the Center for Jewish Culture (Bayit Hadash) 7/ Presentation of the first contemporary Jewish translation of the Book of Genesis into Polish, organized jointly with the publisher of the translation - the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation (Bayit Hadash) 8/ Presentation of the book Israel by Prof. Jerzy TOMASZEWSKI and Prof. Andrzej CHOJNOWSKI, published by the TRIO Publishing House as part of the series The History of 20th-Century States 9/ Presentation of the book The History of the Roms (Gypsies) in the Old Polish Republic, 15th-18th Centuries by Prof. Lech MRÓZ, organized jointly with the Society of Polish Roms and Sinti 10/ Presentation of the book In the Garden of Memory by Joanna OLCZAK- RONIKIER and meeting with the author
2/ 10 Commandments, Part VIII by Krzysztof KIEŚLOWSKI. Introduction by Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI of the Institute of Audio-Visual Arts at the Jagiellonian University (Jewish Motifs in Polish Cinematography) 3/ Warsaw Ghetto (BBC Documentary) 4/ Requiem for 500,000 by Jerzy BOSSAK and Wacław KAŹMIERCZAK. Introduction by Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI from the Institute of Audio- Visual Arts at the Jagiellonian University (Jewish Motifs in Polish Cinematography) 5/ Chronicle of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising According to Marek Edelman by Jolanta DYLEWSKA. Introduction by Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI of the Institute of Audio-Visual Arts at the Jagiellonian University (Jewish Motifs in Polish Cinematography) 6/ The Wedding directed by Andrzej WAJDA, film showing of the play by S. Wyspiański on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the play's premiere 7/ Understanding Memory by Małgorzata IMIELSKA, produced by Polish Television in August 2000, during the Auf den Spuren des jüdischen Erbes in Galizien Summer Program 8/ Diamonds in the Snow by Mira Reym BINFORD 9/ He Who Is From My Nation by Krzysztof BUKOWSKI, script by Michał SOBELMAN (documentary film about Prof. Israel Gutman) 10/ Where is My Elder Son Cain? by Agnieszka ARNOLD. 11/ Neighbors by Agnieszka ARNOLD 12/ Jerzy Kosiński in the STU Theater by Franciszek PALOWSKI 13/ Showing of Israeli documentary films presented at the Cracow Short Film Festival: So Close, So Far by Tzipi TROPE and Sioma - A Visit to Belarus by Guy Shanan. Introduction by Prof. Tadeusz Lubelski, Director of the Festival 14/ The Sandglass by Wojciech Jerzy HAS (Bayit Hadash) 15/
The Train of Life by Radu Mihailenau 16/
Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni 17/
Children of Different Gods and The Culture of the Polish Tatars
by Jadwiga NOWAKOWSKA 18/ Die Feuerprobe. Novemberpogrom 1938 by Erwin Leiser. Film showing organized jointly with the Goethe Institute in Cracow, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Kristallnacht 19/
Presentation of films made by students of the Jerusalem Film School,
20/ The Witnesses by Marcel ŁOZIŃSKI, and meeting with the filmmaker 21/ Undesirables by Adela Pleeva (Bulgaria) 22/ The Place of Birth by Paweł ŁOZIŃSKI, and meeting with the filmmaker
2/ Exhibition of paintings by Jakub SNIR (Israel), organized jointly with the Polish-Israeli Friendship Society in Warsaw 3/ Photographic exhibition by Grażyna MAKARA (Cracow) entitled Arch-womanhood 4/ Paintings on glass by Alina TOWARNICKA-ALLERHAND (Zakopane) 5/ Photographic exhibition by Monika KITA entitled Femina 6/ Photographic collage exhibition by Witold PAWLIK (Vienna) entitled Remembering Auschwitz, organized jointly with the General Consulate of the Republic of Austria in Cracow 7/ Exhibition of prints by Prof. Andrzej PIETSCH of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow 8/ Exhibition of paintings by Kalina DULKO (Nowy Bieruń) and sculpture by Remigiusz DULKO (Oświęcim) . 9/ Photographic exhibition by Pawel KUBISZTAL (Cracow) entitled Windows of Kazimierz 10/
Photographic exhibition by Erwin SCHENKELBACH (Israel) entitled The
Painted Bird, in memory of Jerzy KOSINSKI 11/ Exhibition of conservation works by the Instituto per l'Arte e Restauro Palazzo Spinelli (Florence) entitled Arte su Arte, organized jointly with the Cracow Fair Office, the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow and the Arkore Institute in Warsaw 12/ Exhibition of Roma children's paintings from Jarovnice in Slovakia 13/ Exhibition organized by the Suwałki Gallery, the Amici di Tworki Foundation and the Miodowa Gallery in Cracow (art therapy presentation) 14/ Photographic exhibition by Mosze FRUMIN (Israel) entitled The Sea in Akko organized jointly with the Polish-Israeli Friendship Society in Warsaw 15/ Exhibition of paintings by Tithy ALEKSANDROWICZ (Israel) 16/ Exhibition of paintings by Bogusław BACHORCZYK (Cracow) entitled Traces on the Sand 17/ Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz - His Life and Work - photographic exhibition organized jointly with the Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz Foundation in Cracow (Bayit Hadash) 18/ Exhibition of paintings by Franciszek TUREK (Bayit Hadash) 19/ Exhibition of photographs by Katarzyna NALEPA (France) entitled Being Inside the Frame (Bayit Hadash) 20/ Exhibition of photographs by Jacek CHORĄŻY (Cracow) entitled A Glance 21/ Photographic exhibition organized jointly with the Students' East European Circle of the the Jagiellonian University 22/ Exhibition of prints and objects by Marlene Vite LEON (Mexico) entitled At the Beginning, organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw . CONFERENCES, SEMINARS
1/ KALEIDOSCOPE OF CULTURE - ROMS AND SINTI 2/ Session with members of the European Club at Secondary School No. 1 in Sucha Beskidzka 3/ Panel discussion on the first contemporary translation of the Book of Genesis into Polish, with Czesław MIŁOSZ, Prof. Janusz DANECKI, Rabbi Sacha PECARIC, Prof. Ireneusz KANIA, Prof. Andrzej BOROWSKI and Rev. Andrzej KŁOCZOWSKI 4/ How To Teach About the Holocaust - Conference for teachers from Poland and Lithuania, organized jointly with the London Jewish Cultural Centre, the Teachers Academy in Cracow and the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum under the auspices of the Task Force for Holocaust Education
5/ Program letni Jewish - Christian Relations in Contemporary Europe.
Case Study: Poland, 6/ Program letni Auf den Spuren des jüdischen Erbes in Galizien CONCERTS 1/ Harp concert with Franziska HUHN (Germany) 2/ Concert performed by the HAUSOPERA TRIO (Italy) with Michele MO (flute), Alberto BOCCHINO (guitar) and Paola MOTTA (piano). Concert organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 3/ Concert performed by Marek WALAWENDER (Warsaw) as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture. 4/ Concert on the occasion of Grandmothers' Day and Grandfathers' Day, performed by students from the Music College in Cracow 5/ Concert of Mordechaj Gerbirtig's songs performed by the SHIR-AM Trio (Italy) with Faye NEPON (vocal), Igor POLESITSKY (violin/alto) and Mauro GROSSI (piano). Directed by Rudi ASSUNTINO, arranged by Joel HOFFMAN and Igor POLESITSKY 6/ Concert entitled Maurice Ravel - Songs and Poems performed by Mariusz KOLUCH (baritone), Agnieszka KOŁODZIEJCZYK (soprano), and Maria RYDZEWSKA (piano) 7/ Guitar concert performed by Łukasz KUROPACZEWSKI, as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 8/ Chamber music concert performed by Ellen BRASLAVSKY (USA, piano) and Jeremy FINDLAY (Canada, cello)
10/ Chamber music concert performed by Krzysztof POLONEK (Berlin, violin) and Barbara POLONEK (Berlin, piano) 11/ Guitar concert performed by Maria Esther GUZMAN BLANCO (Spain), organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw 12/ Concert performed by Dimitris REGGINOS (Cyprus) as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 13/ The Young Poland Movement's Poetry in Song performed by Klaudia ROMEK (soprano), Jacek OZIMKOWSKI (bass/baritone), Marek WIATR (tenor) and Barbara PENDERECKA (piano) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the premiere performance of The Wedding by S. Wyspiański 14/ Guitar concert performed by Piotr TOMASZEWSKI (Warsaw) as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 15/ Jewish music concert performed by the JASCHA LIEBERMAN TRIO (Cracow), with Jascha LIEBERMAN (violin/alto), Jacek HOŁUBOWSKI (accordion) and Roman ŚLAZYK (contrabass) 16/ Cello recital performed by Teresa KAMIŃSKA, Mariusz SIELSKI and Marek TOPOROWSKI 17/ Concert performed by Romuald ERENC (guitar), Zbigniew BRZYSZCZ-MAREK (tenor and soprano saxophone), as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 18/Concert performed by the COLLAGE TRIO (Warsaw) on the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel 19/ Chamber concert performed by Josep SANCHO (clarinet) and Bartłomiej KOMINEK (piano). Concert organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw 20/ Piano recital by Regina ZWIEDRIE (Saint Petersburg), organized by law students from the Jagiellonian University 21/ Concert performed by Roma and Sinti children from Jarovnice in Slovakia. Organized jointly with Cracow Branch of the Polish Humanitarian Campaign Foundation 22/ Chamber music concert performed by Jeremy FINDLAY (cello, Canada) and the CRACOW CELLO TRIO 23/ Concert of Neapolitan songs performed by Alba PIERRE (Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 24/ Piano recital by Natalia WASIDŁOWA (Cracow) 25/ Guitar music concert performed by Carlos PEREZ (Chile), organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw 26/ Piano recital by Paweł KUBICA (Cracow) 27-31/ Chamber music concerts within the framework of the International Cracow Composers Festival (5 concerts) 32/ Chamber music concert as part of the International Andrzej Panufnik Festival in Cracow 33/ Chamber music concert performed by students of the Music College in Cracow as an accompanying event of the International Andrzej Panufnik Festival 34/ Concert of Jewish music performed by the KROKE TRIO from Cracow (Bayit Hadash) 35/ Concert for percussion performed by Tomasz SOBANIEC and Ryszard HABA (Cracow) (Bayit Hadash) 36/ Guitar music concert performed by Łukasz KUROPACZEWSKI as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 37/ Concert of Jewish music performed by the DI GALITZYANER KLEZMORIM group (Cracow) (Bayit Hadash) 38/ Hommage a Abel Carlevaro - guitar music concert dedicated to Maestro Abel Carlevaro, who died in July 2001 (Bayit Hadash) 39/ Piano recital performed by Beata BILIŃSKA (Bayit Hadash) 40/ Concert of Sephardic music performed by Anna JAGIELSKA and Marta STANISŁAWSKA, organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 41/ The Best of Marian Hemar's Songs - concert performed by actors of the Ludowy Theatre in Cracow (Bayit Hadash) 42/ Guitar concert performed by Andrea VETTORETTI, organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 43/ Leopold Kozłowski and Friends - concert of Jewish songs performed by Leopold KOZŁOWSKI, Marta BIZOŃ, Katarzyna JAMRÓZ, Katarzyna ZIELIŃSKA and Andrzej RÓG (Bayit Hadash) 44/ Chamber music concert performed by the CONCERTO LAMELLI youth orchestra (Cracow) 45/ Concert performed by Grzegorz KRAWIEC (guitar) and Paweł ZALEJSKI (violin) as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 46/ Concert performed by LIBERTRIO (Białystok) on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the opening of the Center for Jewish Culture 47/ Chamber music concert performed by Klaudia ROMEK (soprano), Agnieszka MONASTERSKA (mezzo-soprano), Jacek OZIMKOWSKI (baritone) and Barbara PENDERECKA (piano) 48/ Guitar concert performed by Adam ZALAS as part of the series of Guitar Concerts at the Center for Jewish Culture 49/ Jewish music concert performed by the DI GALITZYANER KLEZMORIM group during the Przemyśl Autumn Music Festival 50/ Modern & Ethno - concert performed by Mariusz KOLUCH, Anna ŚLIWA and Joanna STRÓŻ 51/ The Lost Compositions - chamber music concert performed by the CONCERTO LAMELLI youth orchestra (Cracow) 52/ Chamber music concert performed by DUO PEPICELLI (Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 53/ Concert of synagogue music and Jewish songs performed by the SYNAGOGUE CHOIR from Leipzig, Germany 54/ Jazz music concert performed by pianist Adam MAKOWICZ (New York) 55/ New Year's Eve concert performed by the CONCERTO LAMELLI youth orchestra (Cracow)
4/ - 6/ Book auction organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian Book
Store in Cracow (three times) 8/ MARCH OF REMEMBRANCE on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of the liquidation of the Cracow ghetto, organized jointly by the Judaica Foundation, the Polish-Israeli Friendship Society, the Festival of Jewish Culture Society and the Cracow Dialogue Club Association 9/ Workshop for the Second Generation of Holocaust Children Society, with Prof. Maria ORWID 10/ Meeting of the Righteous Among the Nations Society 11/ - 14/ Meetings of Cracow Dialogue Club Association (four times) 15/ Meeting of the Cracow Tour - Guides Society 16/ Lectures for the LEXIA International Program in Cracow 17/ Jewish dance workshops for members of the Second Generation of Holocaust Children Society 18/ Meeting with Mike STANER, a Holocaust survivor, for a German student group 19/ 5th International At Home Ethnic TV Festival 20/ Yad Vashem Award Medal Ceremony, organized jointly with the Israeli Embassy in Warsaw 21/ Memorial ceremony for high school students, organized jointly with the Association for the Protection of Majdanek 22/
Jazz music workshop for music school students by Adam MAKOWICZ
1 - 4/ Training for PepsiCo Corp. staff (four times) |
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© Judaica Foundation Center for Jewish Culture 2002 |