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FOUNDATION PROGRAM REPORT 2002 Between January 1st and December 31st, 2002, 199 program events (including lectures, conferences, seminars, book presentations, film showings, exhibitions, and concerts) took place at the Center for Jewish Culture in Kazimierz, Kraków. Additionally, there were 140 visits of the foreign groups, 44 visits of Polish groups and 67 visits of noted persons. In August 2002, the fourth edition of the Summer Program Retracing Jewish Heritage in Galicia in German language version took place with participation of students from Germany, Austria, Sweden, Ukraine and Poland. Two editions of the program Kaleidoscope of Cultures, dedicated to Ukrainians and Armenians in Poland, took place in March and November, 2002. LECTURES, MEETINGS 1/ Meeting with Michael SCHUDRICH, the Chief Rabbi of Warsaw and Łódź, moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI (Poles and Jews - Once Again?) 2/ Jan Karski and His Mission - meeting with Jerzy Korczak, an author of the book about Jan Karski 3/ Forms of Expression in the Sephardic Music - presentation by Maria Luisa GARCIA (Spain) organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw. 4/ New
Thinking in the Church About Jews and Judaism - lecture by Rev.
Dr. Romuald Jakub WEKSLER-WASZKINEL 5/ After-Christmas
Reflexion - meeting with Rev. Stanisław Musiał SJ 6/ Memorial
in Bełżec - presentation of the project of the memorial on a
site of the former death camp in Bełżec by Jacek NOWAKOWSKI from the
US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washingtoin, DC, Marek DUNIKOWSKI, an
architect and Andrzej SOŁYGA, a sculptor. 7/ Meeting
with Tadeusz MAZOWIECKI, former Polish Prime-Minister and former Chairman
of the Parliamentary Commission for European Integration (Poland's
Integration with the European Union) 9/ The Jewish Press in the Inter-war Period in Poland - lecture by Dr. Sean MARTIN (USA) 10/ Meeting
with Prof. Adam ZIELIŃSKI, former Ombudsman 11/ Meeting
with Prof. Jerzy JEDLICKI and Sergiusz KOWALSKI moderated by Prof. Jan
WOLEŃSKI 12/ Polish
Agriculture - meeting with Dr. Maria STOLZMAN 13/ Poland
Before a Great Change - meeting with Prof. Lena KOLARSKA-BOBIŃSKA
of the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw 14/ Politics
in March, March '68 in the "Polityka" Weekly - meeting
with Mieczysław F. Rakowski, former Editor-in-Chief of the "Polityka"
15/ Neighbors
of the Eastern Tradition - meeting with Father Marek SKÓRKA
of the Greek-Orthodox Church in Warsaw 16/
Ukrainians in Poland After WWII - in Search of the Identity
- meeting with Piotr TYMA, Secretary of the Ukrainian Society in Poland
17/ Poland and Ukraine - Achievements, Challenges and Threats - meeting with Prof. Bohdan OSADCZUK, eminent Ukrainian historian living in Berlin (Kaleidoscope of Cultures: Ukrainians in Poland) 18/ How to Write About the Holocaust - meeting with Prof. Michał GŁOWIŃSKI 19/ Meeting
with Rev. Prof. Michał CZAJKOWSKI moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI 20/ Meeting with Prof. Dr. Andrzej ZOLL, Ombudsman (Democracy and Tolerance) 21/ Secret
Kahals in Latin America of Colonial Times - lecture by Prof.
Jan SZEMIŃSKI of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem 23/ Poland
in the EU - Who Needs It? - meeting with Andrzej JONAS, Editor-in-Chief
of The Warsaw Voice 24/ Hebrew Bible and Christian Bible. Presentation of the Vatican Biblical Commission Document of 2001 - lecture by Rev. Prof. Jerzy CHMIEL of the Pontifical Theological Academy in Cracow. (Bible and History) 25/ Europe
of my Imagination - meeting with Prof. Piotr NOWINA-KONPKA,
Rector of the European College in Natolin 26/ Images of Christian-Jewish Relationship: From Anti-Semitism to Covenantal Partners - lecture by Rev. Prof. John PAWLIKOWSKI (Chicago) 27/ He Is Not From My Homeland... Poles and Jews in the Mirror of the Holocaust - meeting with Prof. Stanisław STABRO of the Jagiellonian University moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI (Poles and Jews - Once Again?) 28/ Meeting
with Jakub MÜLLER from Nowy Sącz, now lliving in Malmö, Sweden, on the
occasion of the anniversary of Mordechaj Gebirtig's death. 30/ Jerusalem
- Heavenly and Earthly Place - lecture by Rabbi Sacha PECARIC,
Ronald Lauder Foundation in Cracow 31/ Medicine
And the Contemporary Judaism - lecture by Rabbi Sacha PECARIC,
Ronald Lauder Foundation, Cracow 32/ Meeting
with Konstanty GEBERT, journalist of the "Gazeta Wyborcza"
daily 33/ Girl
From the Shindler's List - meeting with Stella MÜLLER-MADEJ
on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the Cracow's ghetto liquidation 35/ Israel
- State and Religion - lecture by Uri HUPPERT from Israel 36/ Geopolitics
in Israel - the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - lecture by Zev
BARAN, Honorary Consul of Poland in Israel 37/ Kibbutz
- Aims, Goals and Reality - lecture by Benjamin ANOLIK from
the Ghetto Heroes Kibbutz in Israel 38/ Changes
in Holocaust Teaching in Israel - lectures by Batia GILAD of
the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem 39/ Meeting
with Prof. Leon KIERES, President of the Institute of National Memory,
moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI 40/ Geven a Yidish Poyln: Yiddish Memoirs and the Representation of Jewish Life in pre-War Poland - lecture by Rabbi Adam RUBIN of the Theological Union (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 41/ The Babilonian Exile: The Survival of National Minority in a Cultural Developed Foreign Milieu - lecture by Prof. Israel EPH'AL, Israel (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 42/
Poland in Israeli Literature - lecture by Dr. Shoshana RONEN,
Israel 43/ The
Multicultural Landscape in Israel - lecture by Michał SOBELMAN,
Israel 44/ Europe and the Middle-East Conflict - lecture by Prof. Ernst Ludwig EHRLICH of the Basel University, organized jointly with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Warsaw (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 45/ Reflexion on the Presence of the Central and Eastern Europe in Israel Society - lecture by Prof. Shlomo AVINERI of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 46/ Kibbutznik
from Nir-Oz - meeting with Alex DANZIG form the Nir-Oz Kibbutz
in Israel 47/ Meeting with Prof. Shevah WEISS, Israeli Ambassador to Poland, moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI (Poles and Jews - Once Again?) 48/ 20th Century Polish-Jewish Poets in the Americas: Thoughts on Culture, Language and Memory - lecture by Prof. Leah WATSON-ZAZULIER, USA (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 49/ Israel
and the Palestinians - lecture by Konstanty GEBERT 50/ Meeting with Prof. Maria ORWID, organized jointly with the Society for Protecting Majdanek Camp Memorial 51/ Sonderaktion Krakau - The Fate of the Jagiellonian University Professors: Leon Sternbach, Wiktor Ormicki, Joachim Metallmann - lecture by Dr. Jochen AUGUST (Anniversary of the Sonderaktion Krakau, November 9th, 1939) 52/ Israeli - Palestinian Conflict - meeting with Prof. Israel GUTMAN of the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem 53/ Armenians in Poland - lecture by Dr. Krzysztof STOPKA of the Jagiellonian University (Kaleidoscope of Cultures: Armenians in Poland) 54/ New Armenian Immigration to Poland - meeting with Dr. Karen CHACZATRIAN, Armenian lecturer at the Agriculture Academy in Cracow (Kaleidoscope of Cultures: Armenians in Poland) 55/ My
Jewish Roots - meeting with Jan TURNAU, a journalist of the
"Gazeta Wyborcza" daily moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI 56/ European
Union Towards the Churches and Minorities - meeting with Adam
SZOSTKIEWICZ, journalist of the "Polityka" weekly 57/ The
Presence of Sephardic Jews in the History and Culture of Spain -
lecture by Prof. Abraham HAIM of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
(Sefarad - A Spanish Homeland for Jews) 59/
Sephardic Jews in Poland - lecture by Dr. Jacek KRUPA of Jagiellonian
University 60/ Jewish
Spain - Christian Spain - co-Existence of Two Cultures - lecture
by Prof. Teresa EMINOWICZ-JAŚKOWSKA of the Institute of Romance Languages
at the Jagiellonian University 61/ Tradition of the North-African Jews - lecture by Paulina BISKUP of the Warsaw University (Sefarad - A Spanish Homeland for Jews) 62/ Sociological Aspects of the Future Polish Presence in the European Union - meeting with Dr. Elżbieta SKOTNICKA-ILIASIEWICZ of the Committee for European Integration (Poland's Integration with the European Union) 63/ Is
Reconciliation Possible? - meeting with Dr. Jan GROSFELD of
the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw moderated by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI
(Poles and Jews - Once Again?) 1/ Poles and Jews 1939 - 1945 in Documents - presentation of the book by Andrzej KUNERT and Prof. Tomasz SZAROTA 2/ Christianity
and Europe. Studies on the History of the Western Civilization
- presentation of the book by Prof. Andrzej FLIS 3/ Jewish Film in Poland - presentation of the book by Natan GROSS 4/ Poetry
by Taras Szewczenko presented by a group of Ukrainian students and Julia
DOSZNA, Ukrainian singer 5/ Bondage to the Death by Michael C. STEINLAUF - presentation of the Polish edition of the book 6/ Meeting
with Piotr SOMMER, a poet, moderated by Dr Paweł ŚPIEWAK and Prof. Adam
WODNICKI. 8/ Meeting with Miriam AKAVIA, Israeli writer (12th Jewish Culture Festival) 9/ Earth
and Clouds - presentation of the book about Prof. Shevah Weiss
by Joanna SZWEDOWSKA with participation of Prof. Shevah WEISS 10/ Bronisław Hubermann - Passions of the Forgotten Genius - presentation of the book by Piotr SZALSZA moderated by Jolanta ŁADA, a journalist (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 11/ Meeting with Leopold UNGER, journalist of the Le Soir (Belgium) and presentation of his book "Intruder" 12/ Mysterious James. Karol Kuryluk (1910 - 1967) - meeting with Prof. Ewa KURYLUK and presentation of her book Air People CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, DISCUSSIONS 1/ Jews and Palestinians - panel discussion with participation of Jan DOWGIAŁŁO - former Polish Ambassador to Israel, Omar FARIS, Palestinian living in Poland, Michał SOBELMAN - Israeli historian born in Poland, Adam SZOSTKIEWICZ, journalist of "Polityka" weekly, moderated by Joachim S. RUSSEK 2 - 4/
Workshops of the Hassidic singing with Benzion MILLER, cantor from the
USA 5/ Seminar for Austrian volunteers organized by the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service, dedicated to the history of Jews in Poland and the Holocaust. 6/ Armenians
in Poland - panel discussion with participation of Rev. Tadeusz
ISAKOWICZ-ZALESKI National Clergyman of Armenians, Prof. Marek EMINOWICZ,
Adam TERLECKI, Chairman of the Armenian Cultural Society in Poland and
Bela BARSEGIAN from the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, moderated
by Marta SZOSTKIEWICZ, journalist of the Polish Radio Cracow
8 - 9/
Sephardic cuisine - workshops with Robert MAKŁOWICZ 10/ - 13/ The History of Conflict Between the Arabs and the Jews in the Middle East in the 20th Century - workshops with Prof. Arthur PITZ of the Northern Illinois University, Black Hawk College, CEP Resource Fellow, organized jointly with the Jewish Studies Chair of the Jagiellonian University EXHIBITIONS 1/ Jerzy Panek - a photographic exhibition by Elżbieta LEMPP (Cracow) 2/ United We Stand - photographic exhibition by Andrzej RADWAŃSKI (Cracow) presenting New York after September 11th, 2001 3/ Paintings for Children - computer designed graphic exhibition by Robert MAŁOSZOWSKI (Pedagogical Academy in Cracow) 4/ Exhibition of water-colors by Beata ZALOT (Nowy Targ) 5/ Atlantis - photographic exhibition by Aleksander ANTE (Cracow) 6/ Our Country - photographic exhibition by Alex LEVAC (Israel), organized jointly with the Israeli Embassy in Poland (Day of Jerusalem) 7/ Paintings exhibition by Barbara KONIC (Warsaw) 8/ The Writing - graphic-art exhibition by Dorota ŻBIKOWSKA (Warsaw) 9/ The Walls of Kazimierz - exhibition of photographic collages by Ryszard CZERNOW (12th Jewish Culture Festival) 10/ Exhibition
of paintings and graphic art by Feliks Tuszyński (Australia) organized
jointly with the Mazovia Museum in Płock 11/
Zionist Congress in Basel - exhibition of documents and photographs
organized jointly with the Basel University and Pro Helvetia Foundation
in Cracow (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH) 13/ Paintings exhibition by Kinga ŁAPOT-DZIERWA (Cracow) 14/ Paintings exhibition by Paweł KRÓL (Cracow) FILM SHOWINGS 1/ Film showings: Jesus Christ Superstar, Fiddler on the Roof, Hair and Woodstock as a part of the Big Orchestra of Holyday Aid 2/ The
Price of Truth (documentary about the tragedy in Chechnya) by
Marcin MAMOŃ and Mariusz PILIS and meeting with authors of the film
3/ Inspection
- We Should Not Be Among the Living by Włodzimierz GOŁASZEWSKI 4/ The
Hope Dies Last by Tadeusz WUDZKI 5/
Half the Century Later by Ignacy SZCZEPAŃSKI and meeting with
the author moderated by Piotr LITKA 6/ Film
showings: The Everyday of the Gestapo Officer Schmidt
by Jerzy ZIARNIK, Dance of the Death by Henryk LEHNERT
and 7/ The Silent Scream (documentary about the Armenians massacre in Turkey) directed by Nuri KINO 8/ Gravel Pit. The Last Sunday by Magdalena ŁAZARKIEWICZ and meeting with the author moderated by Piotr LITKA 9/ Messengers
of Hope by Dušan HUDEC 11/ Remembrance of the Years Past by Jan SOSIŃSKI and meeting with the screenplay author - Michał SOBELMANN 12/ Documentary
film showings: Myłoserdia Dweri by Krzysztof Krzyżanowski,
Controversy About the Temple by Wojciech Szumowski and
Waldemar Janda, And Forgive Us our Debts by Waldemar Janda,
Jaworzno Camp by Andriej Warchił 13/ Documentary
film showings: Jakub Rotbaum by Artur Hofman and Actor.
Michał Szwejlich by Krystyna Bevis-Shmeruk 14/ Natan Gross - Tango by Jerzy RIDAN 15/
The Last Witness by Michał NEKANDA-TREPKA and meeting with the
author 16/ Documentary film showings: Zygielbojm's Death by Dżamila ANKIEWICZ and Chronicle of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising According to Marek Edelman by Jolanta DYLEWSKA (Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) 17/ Kutno, Part 1 by Agnieszka ARNOLD 18/ Jerusalem by Michał NEKANDA-TREPKA (Day of Jerusalem) 19/ Documentary film showings: Mamadrama by Monique Shwarz and Casting by Emmanuel Finkiel and Martine Udalouc, organized jointly with Cracow Film Festival. Introduction to the films: Jerzy RIDAN. 20/ Austeria by Jerzy KAWALEROWICZ 21/ Sand Glass by Wojciech HAS 22/ Promised Land by Andrzej WAJDA 23/ The Work by Bernard OFFEN (12th Jewish Culture Festival) 24/ Ten Commandments, Part 8 by Krzysztof KIEŚLOWSKI 25/ My
Hometown Concentration Camp by Bernard OFFEN (12th Jewish
Culture Festival) 27/ Proces B7815 by Bernard OFFEN (12th Jewish Culture Festival) 28/ PO-LAN-YAH.
Here Dwelled the God by Amnon Teitelbaum (Israel) 29/ Yonder
by Yael Hersonsky (Israel) 30/ Yana's
Friends by Arik KAPLUN (Israel) 31/ Kibbutznik
from Nir-Oz . Reading Sienkiewicz Works on the Negev Desert
32/ The Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl 33/ Leo and Claire by Joseph Vilsmaier, film showing organized jointly with the Nurnberg House in Cracow 34/ The Manns - A Novel of the Century by Heinrich Breloer, film showing organized jointly with the Nurnberg House in Cracow 35/ Armenians
in Poland by Jadwiga Nowakowska 36/ Shoot
the Pianist by Francois Truffaut, with Charls Aznavour CONCERTS, THEATER PERFORMANCES 1/ Chamber music concert performed by the students of the Rutkowski High Music School in Cracow 2/ Chamber music concert performed by the QUARTETTO D'ARCHI DI VENEZIA organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 3/ Con piano y charango / Piano and charango - concert performed by José HERNÁN CIBILISA (piano) and Patricio ZEOLI (charango). 4/ Guitar
music concert performed by Marco DIAZ TAMAYO (Cuba). 5/ Classical Music of the 20th Century - concert performed by the TRIO ARCHE (Warsaw), organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw 6/ Guitar
music concert performed by Janusz SOCHACKI (Cracow). 7/ Chamber music concert performed by the REINER TRIO (Cracow) 8/ Chamber music concert performed by TRIO HAUSOPERA (Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Center in Cracow 9/ Guitar
music concert performed by Michał PINDAKIEWICZ (Warsaw). 10/ Guitar music concert performed by Mauricio DIAZ (Mexico), organized jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw 11/ Concert of the HARMONICA TRIO Ensemble (Mysłowice) 12/ Chopin and His Pupils - piano recital by Voytek MATUSHEVSKY (USA) 13/ Jazz concert performed by Jorgos SKOLIAS (vocal) and Bronisław DUŻY (trombone) 14/ Concert
of the Ukrainian music performed by the DREWO ensemble (Kiev) 15/ Guitar music concert performed by Giampaolo BANDINIEGO (Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow 16/ Concert
of the Ukrainian folk music and Ukrainian classical music performed
by the BANDURA Ensemble (Przemyśl) 17/ Wanderer's Mass - concert performed by Anna CHODAKOWSKA, Roman ZIEMLAŃSKI (guitar) (Guitar music at the Center) 18/ One
Cold Winter Night in Cracow - theater performance based on the
novel by Italo Calvino, performed by Teatro Universita from Cracow,
organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow. 20/ Piano recital performed by Stefan ŁABANOWSKI (Cracow) 21/ Chamber music concert performed by the QUARTETTO D'ARCHI DI VENEZIA (Italy),organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow. 22/ Concert of Neapolitan songs performed by the UNIVERSITA DELLA CANZONE NAPOLETANA Ensemble, organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow. 23/ The
Songs From Far and Close - concert performed by Johanna AROUAS
(cello and vocal) and Hakan GÜRSES (guitar and vocal). 24/ Chamber music concert performed by Anatoly KOGAN (flute, Israel) and Konstanty WILEŃSKI (piano, Poland). 25/ Piano recital performed by Natuscia CALZA (Italy), organized jointly with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow. 26/ Concert of Jewish music performed by the REINER TRIO ensemble on the occasion of the anniversary of the Mordechaj Gebirtig's death (June 4th, 1942). 27/ Jazz music concert performed by Jarosław ŚMIETANA (guitar) and Joachim MENCEL (piano). (Guitar music at the Center) 28/ Concert performed by the ISRAELI KIBBUTZ CHOIR 29 - 30/ Concerts in the framework of the Cracow Composers Festival. 31/ Concert
on the occasion of the Rosh Ha Shana - Jewish New Year performed
by the REINER TRIO Ensemble (Cracow) 32/ Chamber
music concert performed by Aldona VIGOVSKY and Sasha LIFLIAND (Israel)
33/ Chamber music concert performed by Adriana DIAZ LEON (mezzo-soprano) and Albert CRUZPRIETO (piano), organized jointly with the Mexican Embassy in Warsaw (Month of Encounters with Jewish Culture BAYIT HADASH)
35/ Chamber
music concert performed by the CRACOW PERCUSSION DUO 36/ Leopold
Kozłowski and His Friends - concert of Jewish music performed
by Leopold KOZŁOWSKI, Marta BIZOŃ, Renata ŚWIERCZYŃSKA, Katarzyna JAMRÓZ,
Katarzyna ZIELIŃSKA, Andrzej RÓG with Jerzy FEDOROWICZ. 37/ Jewish
Songs- concert performed by Mariusz KOLUCH, Anna ŚLIWA and Bartłomiej
SZCZEPAŃSKI 38/ Concert performed by the SATLAH TRIO (USA), organized jointly with the Indigo Club in Cracow 39/ Chamber music concert performed by Prof. Barbara ŚLIWICKA-WYSOCKA (violin) 40/ Concert
of Armenian songs performed by Mariusz KOLUCH 41/ Concert performed by Gabriele NATILLA (Italy) (Guitar music at the Center) 42/ Concert of songs by Mordechai Gebirtig performed by THE KATSENSHPRUNG SINGERS (USA) on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the opening of the Center for Jewish Culture 43/ Chamber music concert performed by Jeremy FINDLAY (cello, Canada) and Ellen BRASLAVSKY (piano, USA). 44/ Concert
of the sephardic music performed by the TRIO SEFARAD (Spain) organized
jointly with the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw 45/ Chamber music concert performed by the CONCERTO LAMELLI ensemble, conductor: Wiesław GRZEGORSKI 46/ Chamber music concert performed by the TRIO ARCHE (Italy) organized jointly with the Italian Institute in Cracow
48/ Chamber
music concert performed by Kaja DANCZOWSKA (violin) and Sławomir CIERPIK
(piano) 49/ New Year's Eve concert performed by the STRING QUARTET from Cracow OTHER EVENTS 1/ MARCH OF THE MEMORY on the occasion of the Cracow Ghetto liquidation (March 13-14th, 1943) 2/ Celebrations on the occasion of the Jerusalem Day, organized by the Joint American Committee 3/ Meeting of the Civic Committee for Preservation of Cracow Monuments - re-opening of the Kupa synagogue after renovation. 4/ Meeting of the Israeli youth and Polish youth with Miriam Akavia, an Israeli writer born in Cracow 5/ Meeting of the Society Friends of the Royal Town of Kazimierz 6 - 8/ Art Auctions organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian bookstore in Cracow 9 - 11/ Post-card auctions organized by the RARA AVIS Antiquarian bookstore in Cracow. VISITS 1/ Maestro Lorin Maazel, a conductor 2/ Elżbieta Penderecka 3/ Jan Krenz, a conductor 4/ Antoni Wit, a conductor 5/ Franz Willnauer, Director of the Beethoven Festival in Bonn 6/ Bernardo Juan Ochoa C., Secretary of the Argentinean Embassy in Warsaw 7/ Krzysztof Kozłowski, Editor of the Tygodnik Powszechny weekly 8/ Prof. Shaul Stampfer, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 9/ Dr Gottfried Zeitz, German Consul General in Cracow 10/ Tadeusz Mazowiecki, former Polish Prime-Minister 11/ Seweryn Blumsztajn, Editor-in-Chief of the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, Cracow branch 12/ Tadeusz Prokopiuk, Director of the Cracow Monuments Renovation Committee 13/ Tadeusz Czarny, Director of the Department of Culture and Education of the City Council in Cracow 14/ Prof. Michael C. Steinlauf, USA 15/ Jean-Marie Quemener, journalist of the Marianne newspaper, France 16/ Dr Hannes Swoboda, Member of the European Parliament from Austria 17/ Julian E. Kulski, an architect, USA 18/ Andreas Franzem, producer from the Swedish television in Stockholm 19/ Tadeusz Nowakowski, journalist of the Radio Station P6 Sweden International 20/ Rabbi dr. Robert Kirschner, Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles 21/ Dr Hennig Tewers, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Warsaw 22/ Father Wiesław Dawidowski, St. Catherine church in Kazimierz, Cracow 23/ Prof. Michael Sela, Weizmann Institute, Israel 24/ Helmut Morlock, architect from Germany 25/ Andrzej
Krauze 27/ Nathalie Hazan, curator of the Jewish Museum in Paris 28/ Dr. Hiltgund Jehle, Remembrance, Responsibility and Future Foundation in Berlin 29/ Prof. Dr. Sibylle Quack, Director of the Foundation Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe 30/ Ali Ross, Prudential Great Britain 31/ Damian Leeson, Prudential Great Britain 32/ Helen Zadok, Houston, USA 33/ Krzysztof Kasprzyk, Polish Consul General in Los Angeles 34/ Prof. Bernard Wasserstein, University of Glasgow 35/ Prof. David Wasserstein, Tel-Aviv University 36/ Prof. Zbigniew Pełczyński, Oxford University 37/ Prof. Liz Frazer, Oxford University 38/ Anthony Lerman, Hanadiv Charitable Foundation, London 39/ Lew Rywin, film producer 40/ Rev. Michael Ipgrave, Great Britain 41/ Dr. Maren Klingler, German Consul General in Cracow 42/ Icchak Eisenberg, Israel 43/ Cardinal Jan Schotte, Secretary General of the Bishops' Conference at the Vatican 44/ Rev. Tadeusz Panuś, Pontifical Theological Academy in Cracow 45/ Gerald M. Levin, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York 46/ Cardinal Franciszek Macharski 47/ Leopold Unger, journalist of Le Soir 48/ Delegation from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Warsaw 49/ Dr Joseph i Tithy Aleksandrowicz from Israel 50/ Mstislaw Kačer, Defence Minister of Slovakia 51/ Minister Marek Siwiec, Chief of the National Security Office 52/ Jerzy Lackowski, Curator of the Education in Małopolska Province 53/ Frans Jong, translator from Germany 54/ Lorenzo Vidal, Mexican Ambassador to Poland 55/ Janusz Postolko, Honorary Mexican Consul in Cracow 56/ Kathrin Sänger, journalist of the Spiegel TV 57/ Hanna Kassyanowicz-Pawłowicz, journalist of the Spiegel TV 58/ Prof. Ernst Ludwik Ehrlich, Basel University 59/ Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Hebrew University in Jerusalem 60/ Michel Raineri, French Consul General in Cracow 61/ Ambassador Dr. Richard Wotava, Secretary General of the Austrian Reconciliation Fund (Österreichischer Versöhnungsfond) 62/ Dr. Ernst-Peter Brezovszky, Austrian Consul General in Cracow 63/ Jean Yves Potel, Cultural Attache of the French Embassy in Warsaw 64/ Piotr Izenberg, UBS Bank, Zurich 65/ Prof. Arthur Pitz, Northern Illinois University, Black Hawk College 66/ Prof. Mark J. Webber, the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada 67/ Michael
Brown, The Centre for Jewish Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada 1/ Group of journalists from Germany 2/ Students of the Ramapo College in New Jersey 3/ Group of students from the German-Polish Gymnasium in Neuzelle, Germany 4/ School group from Jaffa 5/ Group from Jerusalem 6/ Group of catholic priests from Worms, Germany 7/ Group of the American students from the CET program in Prague 8/ Group of students from Mainzer Polonicum in Mainz, Germany 9/ Students of the American Program LEXIA International in Budapest 10/ Polish-Israeli-German group of participants in the seminar in the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim 11/ Group of Jewish students from the US and Canada 12/ Group of retired citizens from Germany, participants in the seminar in the International Youth Meting Center in Oświęcim 13/ Teachers from Lingen, Oldenburg and Osnabrück 14/ Students from Bochum University 15/ Students from Hamburg, Germany 16/ Members of the evangelical church from Westerstede near Oldenburg 17/ Group of youth from Münster, participants in the study tour organized by the Lion Club Münster and the Franz Hitze Haus Münster 18/ Participants in the Polish-German-French seminar on rememberance organized by the Regional Teachers Training Center in Cracow, Arbeit und Leben Society from Erfurt and the Foundation for the former Dunkierka Camp 19/ Students of the Nuenbrecht Mittelschule, Germany 20/ Group of students from Israel, participants in the organized by the Israeli Ministry of Education 21/ Jewish group from Paris 22/ Group of students from Jena, Germany 23/ Members of the Elder Hostel, USA 24/ American students of the European Studies Department at the Jagiellonian University 25/ School group from Leipzig, Germany 26/ Group of youth from Lithuania, Latvia, Danemark and Holland - participants in the seminar Connecting Cultures, organized by the AIESEC Society from Warsaw 27/ Group of evangelical priests from Germany 28/ Group from the Center for Political Education, Turingen 29/ Group from Bildungswerk Sachsen, Leipzig 30/ International group of volunteers organized by the German organization Barnimer Alternativen e.V. 31/ German - Polish group from the Society of United Europe 32/ German group from Brandenburg 33/ School group from Liege, Belgium 34/ Tourist group from Germany 35/ Tourist group from Germany 36/ School group from Germany 37/ Members of the Christian-Hebrew Society in Switzerland 38/ School group from Belgium - winners of the competition dedicated to Poland 39/ Teachers from Berlin 40/ German group from Schlezwig- Holstein, guests of the Ebert Foundation 41/ School group from Cologne 42/ Tourist group from Cologne 43/ Students from the USA 44/ Group of volunteers from Germany 45/ Group of volunteers from Austria 46/ Group of tourists from Germany 47/ Group of youth from Germany 48/ Group of teachers from Belorusia, participants on the seminar organized by the East-European Democratic Center IDEE 49/ Group of youth from France 50/ Group of medical doctors from Austria 51/ Group of German youth, guests of the secondary school in Skwierzyna, Poland 52/ Evangelical priests from Kirchenheim near Stuttgart, guests of the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim 53/ Interns of the German Marshall Fund, invited to Poland by Batory Foundation in Warsaw 54/ American students of the CET program in Prague 55/ Journalists from Düsseldorf 56/ Group of American youth - participants in the Summer Abroad program organized by the European Center of Youth Cooperation in Toruń and the World Learning Inc. 57/ Group of Austrian students of the Summer School of the Polish Language at the Jagiellonian University 58/ Group of guides from Israel with Alex Danzig form the Nir-Oz kibbutz 59/ Group of interpreters from the Council of Europe 60/ Group of Israeli girls 61/ Group of girls from kibbutz near Jerusalem 62/ Group from the Evangelical Academy in Berlin 63/ Members of the Elders Hostel from the USA and the World Learning Inc. 64/ Teachers from Cluj in Romania, participants in the seminar How to Teach About the Holocaust, organized by the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau 65/ Group of tourists from the USA organized by the Mazurkas Travel 66/ Group of youth from Frankfurt 67/ Participants of the program Women in Dialogue organized by the Caritas Society - women from Korea, Italy, Portugal, Germany and India 68/ Participants in the program "At the Threshold to Auschwitz" from the USAm Germany and Poland 69/ Members of the Elders Hostel from the USA 70/ Students from Emmerich/Rhine 71/ Group of tourists from Germany 72/ Women Club from Dresden, Germany 73/ Members of the Evangelical Church in Zurich 74/ Students from Germany 75/ Secondary school students from Sweden 76/ Children from Israel 77/ Group of teachers from the Jewish schools in New Jersey 78/ Group of students from Barcelona 79/ Members of the Evangelical Church in Oldeburg 80/ Group of students from Spain, Portugal and the USA 81/ Group of doctors from Frankfurt 82/ Students from the Carl von Linde Gimnasium in Kempften, Germany 83/ Group of orthodox Jews from New York 84/ Group from Türingen - participants in the seminar at the Center for Prayer and Dialogue in Oświęcim 85/ German tourists from Bonn 86/ German tourists from Mannheim 87/ Group of youth from Norway, Danemark and Poland 88/ Group from Berlin 89/ Group of tourists from Hamburg 90/ Participants in the Polish - German workshop in the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim 91/ Group of tourists from Zurich 92/ Group of Rusian Jews living now in the USA 93/ Group of tourists from Chicago 94/ Group of tourists from Germany 95/ Group of students from Poland and Germany 96/ Group of students from Belgium 97/ Group of students from Bochum 98/ Group
of students of the Soro Academy in Sweden 100/ Group of students from Germany 101/ Group of tourists from Hamburg 102/ Students of the 1st Primary School in Berlin 103/ Students of the St. Cloude University in Minnesota, USA 104/ Students of the Fachgymnasium in Salzgitter near Hannover 105/ Group of students of the Ernst-Barlach Gymnasium in Schoenberg near Lubeck 106/ Members of the Society Arbeiterwammer from Vienna 107/ Group of tourists from Hamburg 108/ Group of youth from Cologne 109/ Group of tourists from Antwerp 110/ Students of the Bettina von Anim Gymnasium in Badenburg near Berlin 111/ Students of gymnasium in Zurych 112/ Students of the Jewish High School in Frankfurt/Main 113/ Students from Haifa 114/ Tourists from Germany 115/ Members of the Evangelical Church in Bochum 116/ Teachers from Duisburg and Moers - members of the Working Group Germany - Israel 117/ American Students of the CET program in Prague 118/ Members of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation in Cologne 119/ Roman-Catholic Bishops and journalists from France 120/ Tourists from Bielefeld, Germany 121/ Group of Jewish students 122/ Group of gymnasium students from France 123/ Students of the Briand Gymnasium in Gap, France 124/ Students of the music school in Bremscheven, Germany 125/ Group of gymnasium students in Prenzlau, Germany 126/ Scholarship holders of the German Marshall Fund 127/ Tourists from the USA 128/ Study group from Germany - doctors, architects, lawyers 129/ Group from Israel 130/ Teachers from Stuttgart 131/ Members of the Multicultural Society Vancouver, Canada 132/ Students form Great Britain 133/ Students from Dachau 134/ Gymnasium students from Berlin 135/ Gymnasium students from Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Natania 136/ Members of Polish- Israeli Chamber of Commerce 137/ Students of the Magdeburg University 138/ School group from Stuttgart 139/ Polish-German-British group of participants on the conference organized by the EKIERT Company 140/ Teachers from France WIZYTY GRUP Z POLSKI 1/ Group of mentally disordered persons from Kęty 2/ Group of students from Chrzanów 3/ Group of students from Gymnasium No. 6 in Cracow 4/ Group of students from the 2nd grade of the 1st private gymnasium in Warsaw 5/ Group of primary school students from Chrzanów 6/ Group of Cracow tourist guides 7/ Group of art gymnasium in Toruń 8/ Group
of tourist guides from Chorzów 10/ Group of youngsters and adults from the Self-help Center VITA in Nowa Huta, Cracow 11/ Group of participants in the workshop Kazimierz for Advanced organized by the Friends of Kazimierz Society 12/ Students of the Private Catholic School for girls 13/ Students of the Gymnasium No 11 in Lublin 14/ Students of the 1 High School in Łomża 15/ Students of the trade high school in Wieliczka 16/ Students of gymnasium in Skwierzyna, Lubuskie Province 17/ Patients of the Therapy Workshops for Mentally Disabled Persons in Wieliczka 18/ Group of museums workers from Holocaust memorials in Poland, participants in the seminar organized by the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau 19/ Group of tourists from Gdańsk 20/ Group of high school students from Warsaw 21/ Members of the Old Cracow Freinds Society 22/ Group of students of the journalist school in Katowice 23/ Group of employees of the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim 24/ Group of retired persons from Częstochowa 25/ Group of students of the Jagiellonian University 26/ Students of the gymnasium in Ostrów WIelkopolski 27/ Students of the private gymnasium in Racławice Śląskie 28/ Group of students of the high school in Poznań 29/ Group of students of the 11th private primary school in Cracow 30/ Students of the high school students from Jasło 31/ Group of high school students in Włocławek 32/ Students of the high school students in Świnoujście 33/ Students of the 5th high school in Rybnik 34/ Students of the 4th high school in Szczecin 35/ Students of the State High Theater School in Cracow 36/ Students of the 3rd grade of the gymnasium in Klęczna Dolna 37/ Students of gymnasium in Poznań 38/ Students of gymnasium in Konin 39/ Students of the gymnasium in Słomniki 40/ Students of the high school in Piaseczno 41/ High
school students from Jędrzejów 43/ Students of the post-graduate school in Warsaw 44/ Youth
from the International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim |
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© Judaica Foundation Center for Jewish Culture 2002 |