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Activities /... Bajit Chadasz 2005
::.. Bayit Hadash 2000
::.. Bayit Hadash 2001
::.. Bayit Hadash 2002
::.. Bayit Hadash 2004
::.. Bayit Hadash 2005
October 1st – November 30th, 2005
Saturday, October 1st, 6:30 p.m. *
Concert of synagogal music and Yiddish songs performed by the LEIPZIG SYNAGOGAL CHOIR, conducted by Maestro Helmut KLOTZ, with soloists Ji-Yeon JEONG (soprano), Helmut KLOTZ (tenor), Jürgen KURTH (baritone) and Iva DOLIZALEK (piano).
Organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow=s Leipzig Days events.
The concert will take place in the Formal Hall (Aula) of Collegium Novum, 24 Gołębia Street, Cracow.
Sunday, October 2nd, 2:00 p.m. *
Jewish Life in Leipzig and Cracow B meeting (conducted in German) of representatives of Jewish and cultural organizations from Leipzig and Cracow.
Organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow=s Leipzig Days events.
Sunday, October 2nd, 6:00 p.m.
Jewish Life in Contemporary Leipzig B opening of an exhibition of photographs by Sylvia HAUPTMANN (Germany). During the opening, the documentary film Das leere Haus (The Empty House) by Miriam PFEIFFER will be shown (30 min., in German).
Exhibition organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow=s Leipzig Days events.
Thursday, October 6th, 6:00 p.m.
Jewish Kazimierz and Christian Kazimierz B lecture (in Polish) by Prof. Michał ROŻEK
Friday, October 7th, 6:00 p.m.
Jews in Prewar Cracow B opening of an exhibition of photographs by Zeev ALEKSANDROWICZ.
Organized jointly with the Cracow Photographic Society.
Monday, October 10th, 6:00 p.m.
Human Endurance B film showing (English subtitles).
Organized jointly with the Slovak Consulate General in Cracow.
Tuesday, October 11th, 6:00 p.m.
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature B meeting (conducted in English) with Prof. Steven PINKER (Harvard University, U.S.A.), and presentation of the Polish translation of his book.
Organized jointly with Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne publishing house, under the patronage of the Embassy of the United States of America in Warsaw.
Friday, October 14th, 6:00 p.m.
Rodzinna historia lęku (AA Family History of Fear@) B book presentation and meeting (conducted in Polish) with author Agata TUSZYŃSKA, moderated by Prof. Jerzy JARZĘBSKI and Piotr BRATKOWSKI.
Organized jointly with Wydawnictwo Literackie publishing house in Cracow.
This meeting will take place in Mehoffer Hall at the Wydawnictwo Literackie offices, 1 Długa Street, Cracow.
Monday, October 17th, 6:00 p.m. Moje powroty (AMy Returnings@) B meeting (conducted in Polish) with the Cracow-born Israeli writer Miriam AKAVIA, and presentation of her book, published by the Wydawnictwo Literackie publishing house.
Thursday, October 20th, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah., Part I: From East to West and Part II: Council of Four Lands – film showing
(100 min., in Polish)
Saturday, October 22nd, 11:00 a.m.
Book auction.
Organized by the Rara Avis Antiquarian Bookstore in Cracow.
Information: tel (12) 422 03 90 or www.raraavis.krakow.pl
Monday, October 24th, 6:00 p.m.
Justice Illuminated. The Art of Artur Szyk B opening of this exhibition, and lecture (in English) by Rabbi Irvin D. UNGAR of the Artur Szyk Society (U.S.A.).
Organized jointly with the Artur Szyk Society, with the kind support of the Robbins Family Philanthropic Fund and the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture.
Thursday, October 27th, 6:00 p.m.
The Cracow I Remember - meeting (conducted in Polish) with the Cracow-born Israeli writer Alona FRANKEL, awarded the Edward Sapiro Prize by the University of California at Berkeley.
Friday, October 28th, 6:00 p.m.
Jerzy Boniecki, Creator and Founder of the POLCUL Independent Foundation for Support of Culture - meeting (conducted in Polish) with Grażyna RASZKOWSKA and presentation of a film about Jerzy Boniecki.
Thursday, November 3rd, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah, Part III: Hard Times and Part IV: God is Everywhere – film showing (100 min., in Polish)
Sunday, November 6th, 6:00 p.m. *
Chamber music concert performed by the REINER TRIO: Roman REINER (violin), Barbara ŁYPIK-SOBANIEC (cello) and Sławomir CIERPIK (piano). In the program, works by Max Bruch and traditional Jewish melodies.
Monday, November 6th, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah., Part V: Love Poland as a Pole and Part VI: New Jews – film showing (100 min., in Polish)
Wednesday, November 9th, 6:00 p.m.
Five Years After Jedwabne B meeting (conducted in Polish) with Anna BIKONT, author of the book My z Jedwabnego (AWe from Jedwabne@), moderated by Prof. Jacek BOMBA.
Monday, November 14th, 6:00 p.m. *
Concert of Jewish music performed by the SHUL BAND (New York): Adam FEDER (music director, guitar, voice), Ernesto VILLA-LOBOS (violin), Seth GINSBERG (mandolin, voice), Adam SEIDMAN (piano, voice), Lilly LAVNER (voice), Matt SNYDER (clarinet) and Dave HERTZBERG (bass).
Tuesday, November 15th, 6:00 p.m.
Jerzy Lipman, Born Filmmaker B meeting (conducted in Polish) with Andrzej WAJDA and Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI, and presentation of a book about Jerzy Lipman.
Organized jointly with the Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe publishing house.
Wednesday, November 16th, 6:00 p.m.
Restitution of Jewish Property in Poland. The State of Affairs After 10 Years B meeting (conducted in Polish) with Monika KRAWCZYK, CEO of the Foundation for Preservation of the Jewish Heritage in Poland.
Thursday, November 17th, 6:00 p.m.
The Jews in Cracow. A 700-Year History B presentation of the book by Prof. Michał ROŻEK and Henryk HALKOWSKI, published by the Judaica Foundation as part of the Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Annual Memorial Lecture series.
Monday, November 21st, 6:00 p.m.
Because He Admitted Being a Jew B lecture (in Polish) by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI.
Tuesday, November 22th, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah., Part VII: Between the World Wars– film showing (50 min., in Polish)
Thursday, November 24th, 6:00 p.m. *
I Am the Jew from Wyspianski=s Wedding B theater performance by Jan NOWAK, Tadeusz MALAK and Lesław LIC, directed by Tadeusz MALAK.
This theater performance is dedicated to the memory of Rafael F. Scharf.
Sunday, November 27th, 6:00 p.m. *
Concert performed by the KROKE ensemble: Tomasz KUKURBA (violin, viola), Jerzy BAWÓŁ (accordion) and Tomasz LATO (double bass).
Monday, November 28th, 6:00 p.m.
The Kazimierz of My Dreams B panel discussion (in Polish) with Henryk HALKOWSKI, Tadeusz JAKUBOWICZ (President of the Jewish Religious Congregation in Cracow), Dr. Bogusław KRASNOWOLSKI, Janusz MAKUCH (Director of the Jewish Culture Festival in Cracow), Dr. Monika MURZYN (International Cultural Centre in Cracow), Wojciech ORNAT, and Dr. Stanisław POCHWAŁA (Director of the Municipal Civil Engineering Museum in Cracow). Organized within the framework of the European Project AMonument Nomination and Pilot Implementation as an Alternative Form of Architecture and Religious Tourism.@
Wednesday, November 30th, 6:00 p.m.
Judaism as a Fate. About Bogdan Wojdowski B meeting (in Polish) with writer Alina MOLISAK, moderated by Michał SOBELMAN.
* tickets or invitations required
::.. Bayit Hadash 2001
::.. Bayit Hadash 2002
::.. Bayit Hadash 2004
::.. Bayit Hadash 2005
October 1st – November 30th, 2005
Concert of synagogal music and Yiddish songs performed by the LEIPZIG SYNAGOGAL CHOIR, conducted by Maestro Helmut KLOTZ, with soloists Ji-Yeon JEONG (soprano), Helmut KLOTZ (tenor), Jürgen KURTH (baritone) and Iva DOLIZALEK (piano).
Organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow=s Leipzig Days events.
The concert will take place in the Formal Hall (Aula) of Collegium Novum, 24 Gołębia Street, Cracow.
Sunday, October 2nd, 2:00 p.m. *
Jewish Life in Leipzig and Cracow B meeting (conducted in German) of representatives of Jewish and cultural organizations from Leipzig and Cracow.
Organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow=s Leipzig Days events.
Sunday, October 2nd, 6:00 p.m.
Jewish Life in Contemporary Leipzig B opening of an exhibition of photographs by Sylvia HAUPTMANN (Germany). During the opening, the documentary film Das leere Haus (The Empty House) by Miriam PFEIFFER will be shown (30 min., in German).
Exhibition organized jointly with the Office of the Mayor of Cracow, as part of Cracow=s Leipzig Days events.
Thursday, October 6th, 6:00 p.m.
Jewish Kazimierz and Christian Kazimierz B lecture (in Polish) by Prof. Michał ROŻEK
Friday, October 7th, 6:00 p.m.
Jews in Prewar Cracow B opening of an exhibition of photographs by Zeev ALEKSANDROWICZ.
Organized jointly with the Cracow Photographic Society.
Monday, October 10th, 6:00 p.m.
Human Endurance B film showing (English subtitles).
Organized jointly with the Slovak Consulate General in Cracow.
Tuesday, October 11th, 6:00 p.m.
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature B meeting (conducted in English) with Prof. Steven PINKER (Harvard University, U.S.A.), and presentation of the Polish translation of his book.
Organized jointly with Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne publishing house, under the patronage of the Embassy of the United States of America in Warsaw.
Friday, October 14th, 6:00 p.m.
Rodzinna historia lęku (AA Family History of Fear@) B book presentation and meeting (conducted in Polish) with author Agata TUSZYŃSKA, moderated by Prof. Jerzy JARZĘBSKI and Piotr BRATKOWSKI.
Organized jointly with Wydawnictwo Literackie publishing house in Cracow.
This meeting will take place in Mehoffer Hall at the Wydawnictwo Literackie offices, 1 Długa Street, Cracow.
Monday, October 17th, 6:00 p.m. Moje powroty (AMy Returnings@) B meeting (conducted in Polish) with the Cracow-born Israeli writer Miriam AKAVIA, and presentation of her book, published by the Wydawnictwo Literackie publishing house.
Thursday, October 20th, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah., Part I: From East to West and Part II: Council of Four Lands – film showing
(100 min., in Polish)
Saturday, October 22nd, 11:00 a.m.
Book auction.
Organized by the Rara Avis Antiquarian Bookstore in Cracow.
Information: tel (12) 422 03 90 or www.raraavis.krakow.pl
Monday, October 24th, 6:00 p.m.
Justice Illuminated. The Art of Artur Szyk B opening of this exhibition, and lecture (in English) by Rabbi Irvin D. UNGAR of the Artur Szyk Society (U.S.A.).
Organized jointly with the Artur Szyk Society, with the kind support of the Robbins Family Philanthropic Fund and the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture.
Thursday, October 27th, 6:00 p.m.
The Cracow I Remember - meeting (conducted in Polish) with the Cracow-born Israeli writer Alona FRANKEL, awarded the Edward Sapiro Prize by the University of California at Berkeley.
Friday, October 28th, 6:00 p.m.
Jerzy Boniecki, Creator and Founder of the POLCUL Independent Foundation for Support of Culture - meeting (conducted in Polish) with Grażyna RASZKOWSKA and presentation of a film about Jerzy Boniecki.
Thursday, November 3rd, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah, Part III: Hard Times and Part IV: God is Everywhere – film showing (100 min., in Polish)
Sunday, November 6th, 6:00 p.m. *
Chamber music concert performed by the REINER TRIO: Roman REINER (violin), Barbara ŁYPIK-SOBANIEC (cello) and Sławomir CIERPIK (piano). In the program, works by Max Bruch and traditional Jewish melodies.
Monday, November 6th, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah., Part V: Love Poland as a Pole and Part VI: New Jews – film showing (100 min., in Polish)
Wednesday, November 9th, 6:00 p.m.
Five Years After Jedwabne B meeting (conducted in Polish) with Anna BIKONT, author of the book My z Jedwabnego (AWe from Jedwabne@), moderated by Prof. Jacek BOMBA.
Monday, November 14th, 6:00 p.m. *
Concert of Jewish music performed by the SHUL BAND (New York): Adam FEDER (music director, guitar, voice), Ernesto VILLA-LOBOS (violin), Seth GINSBERG (mandolin, voice), Adam SEIDMAN (piano, voice), Lilly LAVNER (voice), Matt SNYDER (clarinet) and Dave HERTZBERG (bass).
Tuesday, November 15th, 6:00 p.m.
Jerzy Lipman, Born Filmmaker B meeting (conducted in Polish) with Andrzej WAJDA and Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI, and presentation of a book about Jerzy Lipman.
Organized jointly with the Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe publishing house.
Wednesday, November 16th, 6:00 p.m.
Restitution of Jewish Property in Poland. The State of Affairs After 10 Years B meeting (conducted in Polish) with Monika KRAWCZYK, CEO of the Foundation for Preservation of the Jewish Heritage in Poland.
Thursday, November 17th, 6:00 p.m.
The Jews in Cracow. A 700-Year History B presentation of the book by Prof. Michał ROŻEK and Henryk HALKOWSKI, published by the Judaica Foundation as part of the Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Annual Memorial Lecture series.
Monday, November 21st, 6:00 p.m.
Because He Admitted Being a Jew B lecture (in Polish) by Prof. Jan WOLEŃSKI.
Tuesday, November 22th, 6:00 p.m.
Po-Lan-Yah., Part VII: Between the World Wars– film showing (50 min., in Polish)
Thursday, November 24th, 6:00 p.m. *
I Am the Jew from Wyspianski=s Wedding B theater performance by Jan NOWAK, Tadeusz MALAK and Lesław LIC, directed by Tadeusz MALAK.
This theater performance is dedicated to the memory of Rafael F. Scharf.
Sunday, November 27th, 6:00 p.m. *
Concert performed by the KROKE ensemble: Tomasz KUKURBA (violin, viola), Jerzy BAWÓŁ (accordion) and Tomasz LATO (double bass).
Monday, November 28th, 6:00 p.m.
The Kazimierz of My Dreams B panel discussion (in Polish) with Henryk HALKOWSKI, Tadeusz JAKUBOWICZ (President of the Jewish Religious Congregation in Cracow), Dr. Bogusław KRASNOWOLSKI, Janusz MAKUCH (Director of the Jewish Culture Festival in Cracow), Dr. Monika MURZYN (International Cultural Centre in Cracow), Wojciech ORNAT, and Dr. Stanisław POCHWAŁA (Director of the Municipal Civil Engineering Museum in Cracow). Organized within the framework of the European Project AMonument Nomination and Pilot Implementation as an Alternative Form of Architecture and Religious Tourism.@
Wednesday, November 30th, 6:00 p.m.
Judaism as a Fate. About Bogdan Wojdowski B meeting (in Polish) with writer Alina MOLISAK, moderated by Michał SOBELMAN.
* tickets or invitations required

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