ul. Meiselsa 17, 31-058 Kraków
tel. +48 12 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax +48 12 430 64 97
tel. +48 12 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax +48 12 430 64 97
Activities /...conferences and seminars
1. The Polish Catholic Church and the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism: An Exchange of American and Polish Experiences - international conference organized jointly by the Judaica Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture in Cracow and the Cardinal Bernardin Center in Chicago. The conference panel: Martin BRESLER (American Jewish Committee, New York), Rev. Prof. Michał CZAJKOWSKI (Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw), Konstanty GEBERT (Editor-in-Chief, Midrasz monthly), Prof. Andrzej KORBOŃSKI (University of California, Los Angeles), Rev. Stanisław MUSIAŁ SJ (Society of Jesus, Cracow), Rev. Prof. Stanisław OBIREK SJ (Society of Jesus, Cracow; moderator), Prof. Bohdan OPPENHEIM (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles) and Rev. Prof. John PAWLIKOWSKI (Catholic Theological Union, Chicago)
2. Prospects for the Development of Kazimierz - Where does revitalization go from here? - conference organized by the Kazimierz Local Office in Cracow
3. Collective Fear - conference organized by the French Institute in Cracow
4. Freedom at the Threshold of the Third Millennium - Opportunities and Threats - conference organized by the Center for Political Thought in Cracow
5. Promoting Tolerance in Central and Eastern Europe - conference organized by the American Jewish Committee and the F. Naumann Foundation, for independent journalists from Central and Eastern Europe
6. The Jewish Identity in Poland and in Germany - conference with the participation of Prof. Michael WOLFSSOHN (University of the Bundeswehr, Munich), Marian TURSKI (POLITYKA weekly) and Adam KRZEMIŃSKI (POLITYKA weekly), organized jointly with the Goethe Institute in Cracow as part of the BAYIT HADASH Month of Jewish Culture
1. Panel discussion on the situation of the Roma in Poland, with the participation of Andrzej MIRGA, Krystyna GIL (Federation of Rom Women), Rev. Stanisław OPOCKI (National Ministry to Roma), Dr. Barbara WEIGL and Agnieszka SABOR (moderator). Discussion organized jointly with the Cracow office of the Polish Humanitarian Campaign Foundation as part of KALEIDOSCOPE OF CULTURES (in Poland) - THE ROMA
2. Meeting with student members of the European Club at the high school in the town of Sucha Beskidzka
3. Panel discussion on the first modern Jewish translation of the Book of Genesis into Polish, organized jointly with the Ronald S. Lauder foundation. Panel members: Czesław MIŁOSZ, Prof. Janusz DANECKI, Rabbi Sacha PECARIC, Prof. Ireneusz KANIA, Prof. Andrzej BOROWSKI and Rev. Prof. Andrzej KŁOCZOWSKI
4. How to Teach About the Holocaust - conference for teachers from Poland and Lithuania, organized jointly with the London Jewish Cultural Centre, Pedagogical Academy in Cracow, and Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, under the auspices of the Task Force for Holocaust Education
5. Jewish-Christian Relations in Contemporary Europe. Case Study: Poland - a summer program organized jointly with the Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations of Cambridge University
6. Auf den Spuren des jüdischen Erbes in Galizien (Tracing the Jewish Heritage in Galicia) - summer program

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