ul. Meiselsa 17, 31-058 Kraków
tel. +48 12 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax +48 12 430 64 97
tel. +48 12 430 64 49, 430 64 52
fax +48 12 430 64 97
Activities /...film showings
Feature and documentary film showings are a regular part of our program. The feature films are presented in the series "Jewish Motifs in Polish Cinema." The documentary films, often shown in combination with a meeting with the people who created them. Concern Polish-Jewish topics in historical and contemporary perspectives. Our guests have included Agnieszka Arnold, Magdalena Łazarkiewicz, Marceł Łoziński, Paweł Łoziński, Michał Nekanda-Trepka and Marian Marzyński.
Feature and documentary film showings are a regular part of our program. The feature films are presented in the series "Jewish Motifs in Polish Cinema." The documentary films, often shown in combination with a meeting with the people who created them. Concern Polish-Jewish topics in historical and contemporary perspectives. Our guests have included Agnieszka Arnold, Magdalena Łazarkiewicz, Marceł Łoziński, Paweł Łoziński, Michał Nekanda-Trepka and Marian Marzyński.

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