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Program Europejski Mo.No.Pi /...program letni
It is an exceptional honor and pleasure to welcome all of you to Cracow for the Mo.No.Pi. Summer Program
Memory, Heritage, Civil Society. Monasterial and Synagogal Architecture in Poland and Its Impact on Cultural and Economic Development.
We hope that your participation in this short but intensive program will be a memorable experience for you and that it will contribute to the better fulfillment of the goals set up by the Mo.No.Pi. program.
We would like to extend our special thanks to our friends from the Lead Partner Office in Volos.
We wish you an enjoyable stay in our city.
Joachim S. Russek Director The Judaica Foundation | Robert Gądek Academic Co-ordinator of the Summer Program |
Cracow, September 2nd, 2005
Arrival of the participants
8.00 | Breakfast |
8.30 | Transfer to the Center for Jewish Culture |
9.00 | Opening of the Summer Program with participation of invited local officials Presentation of the content of the program |
10.30 | Multicultural Character of Cracow and Its Impact on Tourism Development Lecture by Prof. Jacek Purchla, Director of the International Cultural Centre in Cracow |
11.30 | Cracow and Its University Film presentation |
12.30 | Monasterial and Synagogal Architecture in Cracow – Selected Issues Lecture by Dr. Jacek Czubiński, Technical University in Cracow |
13.30 | Lunch at the Center for Jewish Culture |
15.00 | Workshops: Good Practice in Management Methods For Synagogal Architecture: Case 1:Jewish Educational Center in Oświęcim presented by Artur Szyndler, Jewish Educational Center, Oświęcim Case 2: Center for Jewish Culture in Cracow’s Kazimierz presented by Joachim S. Russek, Director, The Judaica Foundation |
16.15 | The Unexpected Guest Film presentation about the history of Jews in Poland |
17.00 | Return to the hotel |
18.45 | Transfer from the hotel to the Klezmer Hois Restaurant |
19.00 | Dinner at the Klezmer Hois Restaurant |
21.00 | Return to hotel |
8.00 | Breakfast |
8.30 | Departure to Częstochowa by coach |
11.00 | Arrival in Częstochowa |
12.00 | Visit to the Pauline Monastery and Black Madonna Shrine Meeting with Father Nikodem of the Pauline Monastery |
14.00 | Lunch in the Pauline Monastery |
16.00 | Departure to Cracow by coach |
18.30 | Arrival in Cracow |
8.00 | Breakfast |
8.45 | A walk from the hotel to the Main Square in Cracow |
9.00 | Visits to Cracow’s monasteries and historical sites in the Old Town with Dr. Jacek Czubiński, Technical University in Cracow (St. Mary’s Church, Dominican Monastery, University Museum in Collegium Maius) |
12.30 | Visit to the Franciscan Monastery Meeting with Father Andrzej Zając, the Guardian Lunch in the Monastery’s Italian Hall |
14.30 | Transfer to Kazimierz by coach |
15.00 | Sightseeing of Kazimierz - Jewish district of Cracow with Dr. Jacek Czubiński, Technical University in Cracow (Tempel Synagogue, Remuh Synagogue, The Old Synagogue – Jewish Museum, Izaak Synagogue, Wolnica Square, St. Catherine’s Church, Pauline Monastery „On the Rock”) |
17.30 | Free time |
8.00 | Breakfast |
8.45 | Departure from the hotel by coach |
9.30 | Visit to the Jesuit Monastery, Ignatianum College and the Jesuit Publishing House in Cracow Meeting with Prof. Ludwik Grzebień, SJ, Rector of the Ignatianum |
11.00 | Departure to Tyniec by coach |
11.30 | Arrival in Tyniec |
11.45 | Visit to the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec Meeting with Father Bernard, the Abbot of the Monastery |
13.00 | Lunch in the Abbey |
14.30 | Departure from Tyniec to Cracow by coach |
15.00 | Arrival in Cracow, Center for Jewish Culture |
15.30 | Heritage and Development – Cracow’s Experience: Citizens Committee for Renovation of Historical Monuments in Cracow (SKOZK) – Its Aims and Accomplishments After 30 Years of Activities Lecture by Prof. Jacek Purchla, Director of the International Cultural Centre |
16.30 | Conclusions |
17.30 | Closing ceremony and farewell reception |
19.00 | Free time |
Breakfast in the hotel
Departure of the participants

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